The Port of Dover, For Sale !!!

Watching the news this morning ( UK ) the story that horrified me was to learn that the Port of Dover was up for sale which is bad enough, but what is worst the french are in ahead of the line to buy it, we all know the French go on strike at the drop of a hat, which really isn't the way to go......It would make Winston Churchill turn in is grave, and poor old Vera Lynn ( lovely lady ) must feel sick as a parrot, This place is part of British History, so much for loyalty from the British goverment, We will be selling the Royal Family next and Big Ben, House's of Parliment.

It's enough to make your Blood Boil
How can an entire port be sold? Does the city sell it or was it in private hands already? But this happens eveywhere you know - my university cut a professorship at my faculty which was of the greatest historical importance to the university but was deemed unecessary and superfluous...

In the end, it's always about money, no matter what the significance behind something. But how can the French a) buy a BRITISH port and b) what legal ramifications would that involve?
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