The Road To Montebourg Campaign - CMBN



I thought I'd point anyone interested towards my Road to Montebourg walkthrough videos.

They are still being updated on an irregular basis, with the fighting currently at "Les Licornets".

I'm also thinking about doing a walkthrough of a German or Commonwealth campaign, as well as some animated tactics, techniques, and procedures videos.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them and I will answer ASAP.
You can always just watch the parts you have already played, maybe to compare notes?
I do understand where you're coming from though, my own time watching AAR's on YouTube is rather short for the same reason.
Part 14 has now been posted. With the end of this part, we have now finished the Les Licornets battle. I am truly glad of that because Les Licornets has caused more pain and anguish than one would think just by looking at the map.
While the map looked like a bunch of wide open fields, most of them had no LOS from one end to the other. The only real workable tactic one could use was to fling men across the field and hope they stick.
I have a phobia about being caught under an artillery barrage, which leads me to keep pressing forward as fast as possible. That way, if the enemy does call indirect fire, I will already be in front of the area they called it in.
The fact the Germans were able to land a small barrage on some of my men shocked me into the realization of exactly how much time I had wasted dealing with a single gun. That realization pushed me to attack faster, with the risk of higher casualties. In the end it worked, the map was clear, and all enemy forces destroyed.
There is still a hollow space in me that knows that just a few moments of indecision has cost pixeltruppen's lives.

I have resolved to crush any future obstacles beneath my boots.

Onward to the next battle!
There will be many more Hedgerows before this campaign is done.
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