I've decide to give this campaign a try.
I will post battle screenies and show how the campaign progresses as I go along.
Mission 1: Capture Beau Guillot
D-Day, south of Utah beach 07:30.
E Company 2nd Bnt, is the the first company ashore and is instructed to clear the enemy in front of the beach.
The company has a weapons platoon in support plus 81mm mortars off map.
Our intel on the enemy, it is believed that the enemy is at platoon strength, dug-in and protected by a minefield.
The plan.
The weapons platoon will lay down a base of fire.
1st and 2nd platoons will advance to the stream gain fire superiority. Once achieved, 3rd platoon will storm the objective.
The mortar teams will lay down harassing fire while the the 81mm will fire a smoke mission on the tenth minute before moving on the fire on the objective.
Hope the timing works out.
Both 1st and 2nd Plt's move up to the stream and take light casualties. I take a few minutes to gain fire superiority, even if the bunkers did take a toll on casualties.
3rd plt moving up.
3rd plt join second as the smoke screen falls.
The defenders belatedly shell the beach, all my troops had moved off the beach.
81mm mortar fire hits the target.
The smoke screen doesn't linger put I still send 3rd plt to assault the objective.
They encountered light resistance and take a few prisoners, including a HQ unit.
I send 1st plt to join 3rd plt at the objective, by this time both 1st & 2nd plt's had spend a lot of their ammo, some squads having only 20 rounds. Shows how much they kept up fire superiority.
1st plt begin to secure the trenches.
With the objective secured, I press the cease fire button.
I took more casualties than what was allowed, around 13% when the scenario limit was 10%.
I will post battle screenies and show how the campaign progresses as I go along.
Mission 1: Capture Beau Guillot
D-Day, south of Utah beach 07:30.
E Company 2nd Bnt, is the the first company ashore and is instructed to clear the enemy in front of the beach.
The company has a weapons platoon in support plus 81mm mortars off map.
Our intel on the enemy, it is believed that the enemy is at platoon strength, dug-in and protected by a minefield.
The plan.
The weapons platoon will lay down a base of fire.
1st and 2nd platoons will advance to the stream gain fire superiority. Once achieved, 3rd platoon will storm the objective.
The mortar teams will lay down harassing fire while the the 81mm will fire a smoke mission on the tenth minute before moving on the fire on the objective.
Hope the timing works out.

Both 1st and 2nd Plt's move up to the stream and take light casualties. I take a few minutes to gain fire superiority, even if the bunkers did take a toll on casualties.

3rd plt moving up.

3rd plt join second as the smoke screen falls.

The defenders belatedly shell the beach, all my troops had moved off the beach.

81mm mortar fire hits the target.

The smoke screen doesn't linger put I still send 3rd plt to assault the objective.

They encountered light resistance and take a few prisoners, including a HQ unit.

I send 1st plt to join 3rd plt at the objective, by this time both 1st & 2nd plt's had spend a lot of their ammo, some squads having only 20 rounds. Shows how much they kept up fire superiority.

1st plt begin to secure the trenches.

With the objective secured, I press the cease fire button.
I took more casualties than what was allowed, around 13% when the scenario limit was 10%.