I have a newfound respect for this bad boy. I took a bunch of these in my current huge city game with Fuchs, thinking maybe they could serve as bullet magnets for my tanks. Well, at the beginning of the match I lost about half my armor force due to boneheaded positioning. Since then I've been using them in a close infantry support role, and not only have they held the line, they have probably scored more tank and infantry kills than any other type of unit I have. Their spotting is as good as an unbuttoned tank, but they're not nearly as vulnerable to small arms fire, and the "Stump" gun they're sporting is very accurate at shorter ranges. I even took out a Churchill with one of the heat rounds (I think ) Really the only downside is the traverse speed, but it's not that much of a problem.
Props to Fuchs for being an excellent player. I'm still in the match thanks solely to these bad boys. I'll get some screenies up later with kill counts and whatnot.