The travel bug


FGM Captain
Jul 25, 2016
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Just in case you wondered where my wanderlust came from....just took a call from my dad (84) and mum (80).........they are currently in Singapore, ( my dad was billeted there for three yrs in the army from 1963 to 66 and one of my brothers was born there) staying for 9 days before hopping on a small Danang in Vietnam, where they will be spending a further 9 days exploring the country before returning home.

God bless em both!

My dad, passed away now, did his national service in Singapore too. 1948, I believe. I think they had to do 18 months back then. It took him a month to sail there. It was a great experience for him, being a small-town lad who'd never travelled. He got to travel up to Penang too, although there was a civil war going on then with communist guerrillas. He spoke very highly of the friendly Ghurkas that kept him and his colleagues safe on their trip north. I remember him telling me about it when I got to go to Penang several years ago.
My mum's dad did seven years service in the Raj, mainly Peshawar. That was back in 1918 -25. He fed me stories of his adventures from an early age.
I've always been a wanderer too @steve
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After just returning from two weeks in Ireland, my wife Mary and I are going back to Europe next month. We fly into Milan and stay there a bit to get our jet lag under control. Then it’s off to Brussels. From there we go to Eindhoven and a 2-Day Market Garden tour. (We are determined to take that Arnhem bridge this time.). We finish with a few days in Amsterdam. All totaled, we are gone for two weeks. Schwing!
Update from the hotel in Singapore.....they have a stand in the lobby.......with free condoms......which are to be used to put your brolly in to stop water getting on the marble floor if it's been raining.....
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