The Use of Trench



Hi, veterans,

Trench has been one of the most useful defensive setup in CMBB, but in my two games in CMBN, it is like a suicidal house. It only serves one purpose- ---- to label the target point for my opponent's mortars. My units usually do not fire a single shot and all layed dead within one turn under mortar fire. What did I do wrong? Or we should not use trench in CMBN? Many thanks.
My impression is the same: Trenches do not provide sufficient cover - they seem to be not "deep" enough. I don't use them anymore. o_O
I have used barbed wire in CMFi (2.0) and had no problems. Idi and I have barbed wire in our CMBN (2.0) match right now and there it also works fine. :)
Yes, in the CMBN match the defender is using trenches too - no problems at all. :)
"Spalter" is the call one of the believers of the Judean Folk´s Front (JFF) to a believer of the Folk´s Front of Judea (FFJ) at "The Life of the Brain" during the show for the children at the arena. What I meant here (only as a joke) was all others lamented about the problem with trench/barbed wires and then comes Shorker and says "No problem - all works fine at my games.". And so I couldn´t resist to call him a "Spalter". ;)
OK, got it. Thanks for the education Sempai.
I have never had any problems with using trenches in my CMBN games, only barbed wire.
I believe the problems were fixed in the Ver 2.0 Engine, Also my understanding is that trenches had their defensive protection increased, but I do not feel they protect enough unless your use the 'hide' command, and then you won't receive many casualities but you will still get panic'd troops... IIRC in a game with NYCPizzaMan last week a 120mm Mortar shell landed near (within 10m) a US Squad I had in a trench, they were in hide mode, and they went straight to panic, but I didnt recieve any wounded or KIA troops...
OK, thank you guys. I was thrilled to see there are 13 replies to this problem, and I thought I will be filled with tips ...

hmmkhmm..., but that is ok, still thank you guys :) LOL

For trenches and barbed wire for game engine, yes, as shorker reported, during our games, I had both trenches and barbed wires. And it went smoothly so far (like 15 turns already). So yes, there is no problem that I know of for ver 2.0.

For version 1.10, barbed wire is a sure crash. Trench isn't.

For gameplay purpose, in either case, trench so far served as a target reference point for my enemies. All my units in the trench are killed within one turn of mortar fire without even directly seeing any enemies. :p
a 120mm Mortar shell landed near (within 10m) a US Squad I had in a trench, and they went straight to panic

In my experience under 122mm rocket attacks, when they land close, chaos sets in. I don't feel that we were in a panic, as everyone knew the drill, 'head for cover', if you're already under cover, hunker down more (damn buttons are in the way). No it was more like sticking a stick down an ant chaos.
Remember, it's not the round with your name on it that you have to worry about, it's the one addressed to..To whom it may concern!
In my experience under 122mm rocket attacks, when they land close, chaos sets in. I don't feel that we were in a panic, as everyone knew the drill, 'head for cover', if you're already under cover, hunker down more (damn buttons are in the way). No it was more like sticking a stick down an ant chaos.
Remember, it's not the round with your name on it that you have to worry about, it's the one addressed to..To whom it may concern!
In YOUR experience... speaking of that ... you are a real battlefield veteran? And survived 122mm rocket strikes? Oh my... admire to you! And salute!
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