Things I've learned


FGM Lieutenant
May 9, 2016
Reaction score
McClure Ohio
Since joining, I've learned quite a few things playing against real live opponents.

1) Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. (i.e. Heavy inf in your troop choices) Frosty handed me my butt in a game that was nothing less than an embarresment.

2) Fredrocker uses Mines and Arty..a lot!

3) Meatgrinder uses excellent placement of units

4)Spidey is sneaky good, you think you have him then next thing you know, he's kickin yer butt

5) All good guys I've played against as well, glad I joined

To be continued....I'm sure
I am sure glad you joined.... your turn rate is great and you are a fun opponent to play.... and I don't use mines a lot, except in the snow, the dry ground, the muddy ground, in CMBN and CMFI, also on the Eastern Front, and in the modern era... but not a lot...:eek:

Keep up the great work @Buckykatt
Glad to hear :)
Dont even think You re easy oponent for me, in our current game against You I m trying every trick I ve learnt so far to gain some advantage in the battlefield.
I don't understand if you are encouraging to bring heavy inf or discouraging it. Anyway, I think it really depends on the terrain you are playing in.
I don't understand if you are encouraging to bring heavy inf or discouraging it. Anyway, I think it really depends on the terrain you are playing in.

If I had to guess, @Ivan Zaitzev , I would imagine that @Buckykatt is beginning to understand the "rock/paper/scissors" aspect of troop selection in Quick Battles.
Sorry for not replying Ivan, but yes that's exactly it. It's a difficult choice when choosing units, map, opponent, etc weigh into it. I could be wrong but I think quite a few guys like a balanced approach, combined arms tactics..., but as I've learned, not all.
Aye, poor choices in the purchase screen can lose you the battle there and then. Particularly if you haven't bothered to look at the map carefully.....
As an example, @DasTiger beat me in a recent CMFB city game mostly because I bought too many tanks. He went with an all Gebirgsjäger force and their MP44 were absolutely murderous, while my tanks were largely ineffective and were taken out with Panzerfausts (yes, Fausts).
Yes, can go lighter on Armor when playing with the Germans for that reason. I was soundly thrashed in a CMBN open map by not taking enough tanks, PF's didn't help me on an open map. (Although, I learned a few good things during that beatdown)
Yeah this is a grteat game for teaching you humility (If you think it's not working on Zinzan you should have seen him a few decades ago :( ) It also teaches one to appreciate the problems commanders had on the ground and gives you an appreciation for what the FOG of War actually means. (It's a bugger trying to NOT out think yourself when yoiu have a decent oppoenent)
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