To my playing opponents



I've been AWOL for the last two days because of computer issues. I use my work laptop to game on because it's the only computer I have and they did some changes that moved our user profiles around and that killed my CMBN-ing

Funny how no other games/programs were affected LOL

Regardless, I was able to get CMBN to start and work in a round about way....still can't get CM helper to work so I am manually trying to keep track of games and files. Urg!

Send me an email if you have not received a response from me at the end of day Friday....that will mean that I missed copying your file.

Sorry for all the hassle, I will try to keep up without CMH.
How are your computer issues coming along, Floki? Our games have been coming along nicely so I'm hoping for you that you're not still stuck copying and pasting files around.
I can't get the helper to work so I'm copying and pasting, but it's not a big deal because I copied the shortcut to the game files folder to my desktop.
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