[TV] Andor - Disney+

OK, finished the first 5 episodes ( that's all there were) and episode 6/12 is due for release tomorrow. Not sure but
I think the releases thereafter may be once a week. I checked, that's right. Oh, and a 2nd (and final) season is already
Anyway, my initial reaction through 2 episodes was "This is sort of...boring". Although I was sitting up and cheering
the first time a Tie Fighter when roaring across my screen while on a recon patrol. I have to admit had I known at the time
that there was another set of 12 episodes as well I doubt I would have given the "boring" part much thought at all.
Andor is not really the most charismatic of actors (although he is ruggedly gorgeous) and the first episodes were heavy
on his background and introducing all the peripheral story lines and characters. Understandable, but it was still kinda boring.
Hang in there though because the real plot and story direction picks up dramatically around the end of episode 3. After that?
Yeah, no complaints. The audacity of this little nascent band of rebels and what they are going to try to do is awesome.
It's been a long time since I watched "Rogue One" but I can see that will be required to get the full impact of the story line.
It's cued up. (y)
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I’m going to have to rewatch “Rogue One” as I thought it sucked like the rest of the new Star Wars stuff does. What does it do differently?
I am enjoying Andor so far. Its way better than Obi Wan which I stopped watching in episode 2 or 3.

I dont mind the slower pacing. The sets and costumes are great. Overall, it seems more mature than other Star Wars shows.
I think this is the best SW material Disney has released. It's quite unlike anything else that has come before.
Aside from destroying planets, the evil of the Empire was rarely communicated and usually only by over-the-top evil characters. I like that Andor is showing us REAL oppression and giving a reason to really care and feel real tension.

I still like the more "traditional" SW-ness of Mandalorian Season 1 (not so much Season 2 and the other Disney series - everyone in the galaxy doesn't need to be related, and doesn't need to keep showing up in various shows - the galaxy is HUGE, guys), but Andor is on another level. The writing is spectacular. Episode 10 was just....amazing.
Had a little catching up to do so just finished Ep. 8. "Free Andor"!! (very small spoiler)
If I have a complaint it is a very small one indeed. Soo many characters.
I swear, there are maybe 3 women who all kinda look the same and every time story moves
over to them I've completely forgotten who they are and what they've already done. I usually catch
up just about the time the story switches again. And it switches a lot! :unsure:
Had a little catching up to do so just finished Ep. 8. "Free Andor"!! (very small spoiler)
If I have a complaint it is a very small one indeed. Soo many characters.
I swear, there are maybe 3 women who all kinda look the same and every time story moves
over to them I've completely forgotten who they are and what they've already done. I usually catch
up just about the time the story switches again. And it switches a lot! :unsure:
As dumb as this sounds, try turning sub-titles "on". The captioning is unobtrusive at the bottom of the screen and usually states the name of who is speaking. Check it out.
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