I started watching this because I'm familiar w/Marshall Reeves and he's a fascinating story. A bit fearful what the "woke folk" might
do to this legend I tuned in, albeit without much enthusiasm.
As I start episode 3 I'm impressed. The actor, Davis Oyelovo, portrays him as I'd hope he would/could. Nothing over the top, just
believable. He manages to do half his acting with just looks on his face and I find that appealing and a little bit amazing.
So, if you have interest in Bass Reeves I can recommend it..so far.
do to this legend I tuned in, albeit without much enthusiasm.
As I start episode 3 I'm impressed. The actor, Davis Oyelovo, portrays him as I'd hope he would/could. Nothing over the top, just
believable. He manages to do half his acting with just looks on his face and I find that appealing and a little bit amazing.
So, if you have interest in Bass Reeves I can recommend it..so far.