Uncle Sam v World



I see from the current CM ladder that 8 of the top 20 spots are filled by yanks, we'll have to get an 'Uncle Sam v World' tourney going sometime..:)

1 Cargol GREECE
2 Wardog USA
3 Von Reich USA
4 Bootie GB
6 Jonny GB
8 95bravo USA
9 Mikey CANADA
10 Andre GERMANY
11 Nort USA
12 BreakLight HOLLAND
13 Hedgehog GB
14 Lord Bane USA
16 Zaraza SERBIA
17 Willard CANADA
18 Breakthrough USA
19 PoorOldSpike GB
20 AirborneBob USA


VID- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R1jiVcIGcg&feature=related
*Coughs quietly* With all respect POS, But I aint no bleedin Yank!, Me is a cheesehead from Holland!

;) Regards Breaklight
Ah, you're from the land of dykes!
I've edited in a correction..:)
Mmm there goes the theory of american domination?? With Mikey being canadian thats only 8 yanks against the other 12 foxhole owners :)

Of which the second largest majority would be the british commonwealth if I'm correct?
and we whipped the Brits twice already, and the Germans twice, had a short war with canada.....we are the mettle all others test against!
and we whipped the Brits twice already, and the Germans twice, had a short war with canada.....we are the mettle all others test against!

Are we talking the second World war here ? if so This Idea about the Americans winning the second world war, I don't understand, The British will always be gratefull for the Americans joining in, But the Brit's were there taking all the stick that the Germans could throw at us for some time before you guys arrived on the scene, I would say a combined effort was involved here, including many more true countries who gave up there forces to fight...Yes matey a combined effort was the order of the day
At the point where the above photo was taken, we had already withdrawn and left the corrupt South Vietnamese to their fate. I don't really see Vietnam as a military loss for America at the tactical level. I see it as a loss of will by the population to continue the war and a lack of the strategic will to win by the politicians..

It is quite obvious by looking at the standings that POS' orignial observation is correct. American players obviously hold absolute supremecy over all of you! If you refuse to see it then challenge me and meet your demise.

Lord Bane
with the Brits I refer to the War of Independance and the War of 1812(Along with canada)......The Germans in WWI & WWII...Now POS..the Vietnam War was lost in the government's failure to want to win.....(amoung other things)..So it kinda makes us about 18-1.....thats a pretty good record in my book!
Re the War of Independence, the french stabbed the Brits in the back in Europe, so we had to pull most of our troops out of America to defend the homeland back across the Atlantic..
Nobody's beaten the Aussies yet, though the Japs had a good go at it in WWII.
Re an 'Uncle Sam v World' tourney, i could organise one dead easy along the lines of me rolling a dice to see which US player plays which World player in an Attack/defend mirror.
Then another roll to get the players for a Meeting Eng mirror.
I envisage me creating the scenario file so everybody will have the exact same map and units.
That'll mean each player will play a total of 4 games, and his percentage scores will be added up and contributed to his teams score pool. Biggest pool at the end wins the tourney..:)
Each game can have a 2-week deadline, so the whole tourney will be finished in 8 weeks.
I want the tourney to be chock-a-block full of exciting screenshots, so every player must make at least one screenshot from his games, it's simple to do, you just hit the 'Printscreen' key!
If you haven't got a Photobucket account you can email your shot to me and i'll put it in Pbucket and post it in the thread from there.
When the tourney's finished it can be moved to the FGM Academy to provide a dazzling illustrated display of FGM players in action..:)

Any comments, suggestions, death threats etc?
Anybody interested?
I would probably play as long as the scenarios are on the medium to small side and the time limits are strictly enforced.
Lord Bane
I would probably play as long as the scenarios are on the medium to small side and the time limits are strictly enforced.
Lord Bane

Yes, just like all my other fast-moving "march or die" tourneys..:)
Hey, does anybody know of any good existing scens that we could use? Give me download links and I'll go look at them, we want an Att/Def scen (Cmbb or Cmak) and a Meeting Eng scen.
Whatever we use, all players will be able to open them in the editor beforehand to give them a good looking over so that we all start on a level playing field..:)
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