Visitors by Country



On the front page here it shows visitors by country and flag...we have Japan with 107 visits ...Does anyone here live there or are stationed there? Just wondering.
FGM member mfred is an Aussie working in Japan.
Visitors and guests sometimes arrive in FGM from all over the world in "tourist groups", for example there were 242 turned up yesterday with cameras clicking-

That has to be a glitch some where. There can't have been 242 guests in one hit. It could also have been a hacker.
Talking about tourist groups where ever we go on holiday there are loads from China and Japan which is fine. The thing that makes us laugh is when ever they have their picture taken they always stand with a two finger peace sign in! lol. I blame the Spice Girls.

One other thing about pictures, last year we went to see the Chateau de Versailles which was very good, My daughter was used as a tripod for a china man ,he just put the camara on here head! to balance his camara for a picture.She was not best pleased but it made us laugh.
Yes the Asians have weird ideas...just look at their game shows. LOL
No wonder I am getting little done here in Japan, look at all those visits! :madgrin:
Hey, these 242 visitors to FGM the other day might have been a search party organised by my loyal mates at Armchair General to come looking for me after the AG bosses banned me for a month for posting links to FGM, but hell will freeze before I ever go back, I don't need AG..:)

Hey, these 242 visitors to FGM the other day might have been a search party organised by my loyal mates at Armchair General to come looking for me after the AG bosses banned me for a month for posting links to FGM, but hell will freeze before I ever go back, I don't need AG..:)


But is it not a rule in general that one should ask to post links to anything on or at any site?
But is it not a rule in general that one should ask to post links to anything on or at any site?

I DID ask an AG moderator if I could post links to FGM and he replied "I have no problem with that", but then his big bosses must have overuled him because they were probably afraid a lot of their members would defect to FGM when they see how good we are..;)
PS- I didn't go to AG just to post links; I was an active member there for 5 years and made lots of stunning posts; my AG fans used to bombard me with truckloads of green reputation points and sent me fan mail.
But I was never comfortable at AG, I won't go into details..
Incidentally I've also been banned from 5 other wargaming sites (and assorted religious/philosophical/atheist forums) over the years for various trumped-up reasons, there's an interesting story behind each one but I'm sure Bootie and FGM members wouldn't want me to dredge up ancient history..;)
PS- I didn't go to AG just to post links; I was an active member there for 5 years and made lots of stunning posts; my AG fans used to bombard me with truckloads of green reputation points and sent me fan mail.
But I was never comfortable at AG, I won't go into details..
Incidentally I've also been banned from 5 other wargaming sites (and assorted religious/philosophical/atheist forums) over the years for various trumped-up reasons, there's an interesting story behind each one but I'm sure Bootie and FGM members wouldn't want me to dredge up ancient history..;)

There's a home here for us trouble makers :) :)
There's a home here for us trouble makers :) :)

Right mate, we don't need to go anywhere else to work our mischief, we can do it right here..:)
"If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing" - Sir Kingsley Amis
Right mate, we don't need to go anywhere else to work our mischief, we can do it right here..:)
"If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing" - Sir Kingsley Amis

And we are soooo good at it :) :) :)
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