Want a bigger screen?



I really love watching movies on big screen and i always wanted BIG screen. "Real" projectors are not very cheap, and they are bulb eaters...So....

This is something i'm doing these days....DIY projector.

When it's finished it will look something like this:



It cant be seen on this photos, but image quality is very very high. Picture is much better and brighter then most projectors you can buy.

Basically it goes like this:
You will need overhead projector and LCD screen. That's all.
You take LCD screen, remove everything but LCD panel, and put it on overhead projector. That's it. Then you can enjoy.
If you want, you can made custom enclosure so whole thing looks better.

Info and instructions: http://www.hommie.net/
Or, you can buy a Mitsubishi 73" TV from tigerdirect.com for about $1900 like I did.

Well, yes, but this thing is exactly 20 times cheaper than Mitsubishi :)
I got overhead projector for about 35 euros, and 15" LCD for 30... plus something else like projector screen....with total of around 100euros...

And, with 2 bulbs of 500Wats this one has no problem displaying 120" picture.

There are 2 major drawbacks.
First, it looks ugly and it's big and heavy.
Second you have to make it yourself.
Actually second is not drawback in my case. I like to make things...
Yeah i'd rephrase that as "you get to build it yourself". Looks good mate mite have to do that one day
I think i'll finish this project during the next week.
Cant wait to see how CM looks like in that size :):)
I'l post pictures :)
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