Want a CMBN or CMFB game?


Will S

Just looking for an opponent or two for some fights! Couple of ideas below...

A medium size probe or meeting engagement on the CMBN Large Map 077:


and a large probe on the CMFB Foy Map:


I have all the CMBN add ons and most recent updates. If anyone is interested just drop a note. You pick your side, offense or defense, and we'll get rollling! Ladder results.
I'm in, i have plenty of time for the next weeks, and i can play both of these maps. Only rules are, no airplanes, no preplanned barrage and armor only the 30% of purchase. I Can play both of the maps one in offense and the other in defense if you like you can choose side and send me your set up. I have drobox and H2H.
I'm fine with no planes or pre-planned artillery, but not the 30% armor. I think it's better if players can spend their allotment on whatever forces they wish, plus the 30% rule favors the Germans a good bit, since they have cheap large caliber weapons and the allied forces do not. Let me know if you're still game. I'd add no trp's for meeting engagements, but fine for probes.
Its okay for me with meeting engagement in the first map whatever side, and to defend in the second, if its ok with you.
Okay, I'll set things up later this evening and send you a PM, but lets just take on one match together. Do you have a preference? I'm trying to play different people, plus I think our time zone difference would lead to slow play with two games.

Along with that if anyone else is reading this and wants a match speak up!
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Ok with one game i prefer the meeting engagement you can choose side
Done and Sent. Medium meeting engagement. You got Germans. Weather is random, daylight. Cheers!
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