Wanted: Testers and Opinions on New Floating Icon Set


Lt. Smash

Gents, I've designed a new set of floating icons for CMFI. They are based on symbology the US War Department used in 1943, and before I release them to the general public I want to get your opinion of them, and find a couple of people willing to "test" them for me.

Testing is easy. I'll send you the file. You just install it in the mods directory, please a couple of scenarios and tell me that (a) the icons showed up, (b) the correct icons showed up on the correct units and (c) how you liked them.

If you don't feel like testing, you can simply look at the graphic below and give me your opinion either in this thread or via PM:


Now that you've seen them, let me say a few words about them and tell you more specifically about the things that have me vexed.

First, my approach is simple: use unique shapes to identify the side, colors to identify the nation and a consistent symbology to ensure that the player can easily recognize a German machine gun versus an Italian machine gun and differentiate between a heavy and a light tank. As you can see, the Axis have diamond icons and the Allies have circular icons. The Germans use Field Grey, the Italians use a green grey, and the Americans use Olive Drab. As mentioned above, the icons are taken from the US War Department's Field Manual FM 21-30 that was issued in July 1943. Some symbols - such as the IFV/Halftrack and Armored Car - are not defined in the field manual , and thus, I had to fudge a little.

Now, there are a couple of things that I'm uncertain about with this icon set and would love your input:
  1. Each side shares a set of icons. These shared icons include HQ units, Forward Observers, Snipers and all fortifications (i.e., wire, trenches, etc.). I've colored these shared icons blue for the Allies and red for the Axis. These colors make these icons stand out and do not make it look like the Germans are leading the Italians (a problem that I have with the US and Commonwealth with CMBN icon set) but are they too much? Should I find a more neutral earth color or just tone down the red and blue?
  2. The new fog-of-war/contact icons are cool. They let you get an idea of whether or not a contact could be a truck, heavy weapon, tank, etc. But, Battlefront made an odd design decision. They provided a contact icon for a light tank and a heavy tank but no medium/generic tank. I followed this in my design so that the contact icon for a "heavy tank" says "Hv?" However, in playtesting, I'm not sure that this is portraying the right information. For example, it does make the Americans think that any Pz IV could be a Tiger but it also means that any Sherman shows up as a Heavy Tank contact when it isn't. I've considered making the heavy tank contact icon a generic tank. I've also considered making the light tank contact icon a generic tank, too. This would add an additional element of the unknown.
I know these things may sound trivial but I need to figure them out to finalize the icons and get them out the door. So, your thoughts and help testing is appreciated.
Hey Lt Smash, drop a copy of your mod in our dropbox folder, and I will try it out.
Could you please send me the file?
U can find my email addr at my profile.
To those that replied, I'll send out the mod later tonight.

The colour of the Axis forces is quite similar... possibly make the Italian a dirty yellowish colour?

Good feedback, Bootie. Thanks.
Lt. Smash, you need an icon for pack howitzer, still using the CMFI's icon.
Hi Bob,

first feedback from me:

Colors look fine, I have the most trouble with readability.

I play on a quite high resolution (1680x1050) and while the basic infantry icons are easily recognizable, I have problems
with icons which have text in them (for example, the "Tank Destroyer" and "Anti-Tank Gun" items).
Just from a glance, I cannot really tell what is written in those icons. I have to really concentrate on them, which makes it harder than with the "vanilla" icons.
Also, line width of the icons is quite thin, making them all harder to see clearly in high resolutions.

Just something you might want to consider. I think the above given problem description is the reason why the "vanilla" icons use thicker lines.

Overall, quite like it (the idea), but probably wouldn't use it in this state.


Thanks for the feedback, Mike. I appreciate the challenge you are having with the text. I experimented with thicker lines and bigger text last night. Would you mind taking another look when time permits? I don't have a whole set, yet, but I've updated some of the more challenging icons.
Lt Smash,
i ve tried the mod and here is my feedback.
Colors are fine and by playing 2-3 games u start to recognize the bases and what unit they represent.
Different colour concept for the HQ units is interesting but not to my liking(i prefer units of same nationality to have the same colour, the P marking is enough to easily recognise HQ units from far away)
I agree with Bootie that German and Italian units are similar in colour and i think it would be more convenient to be more easily distinguished.
All in all a good mod.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback, Mike. I appreciate the challenge you are having with the text. I experimented with thicker lines and bigger text last night. Would you mind taking another look when time permits? I don't have a whole set, yet, but I've updated some of the more challenging icons.

Sure, send them over, I would like to have another try.
I'm testing it and for me it's great, as I'm accustomed surge it. For now, mad mike's desire is needed for me to. And different color for Italian, should.be good.
Thanks for the feedback. I've been swamped with work and barely able to keep up with my PBEM games.

I've got a basic set with thicker lines. I'll update the Italians to be more of a yellow (but different from the brown that I used for the Brits in my CMBN/CW set and plan to repurpose for CMFI).

I may put out an alternate that use the German color for Axis/Red shared icons and American for Allied/Blue icons.

More to come.
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