Wanted, Third Party to create Objectives / Add Units for Massive Game



Hey there....

DellieJonut and I are about to start a Custom Attack Scenario on an adjusted version of my Normandy 'Three Towns' Map.

It's being played at Massive Scale.

16000 Points + 20% Intel for the German Attacker. DellieJonut
12000 Points + 3000 Points of Defensive Structures for the British Defender. Me

We're looking for someone with Map Making Experience to add our Force Compositions to the map and create a set of 'Known to Player Only' Objectives for each side.

Anyone interested in helping?
Yeah, that's one part.
The other task will be to add our chosen Formations onto the map, which as you can see will be quite a lot, then save the map as a Scenario.
Add forces chosen by DellieJonut and I to the map, in the Scenario Editor.

Has to be done in the Editor because the forces are larger than the maximum allowable for a Quick Battle, and we want to also add 'free' German Intel and 'free' Brit fortifications.
Ummm... I'd like to get it going before that if we can Nathangun, so hopefully someone else might help?

I've added my troop selection to the map already, we just need a third party to verify that my units are set to 'Typical', add DellieJonuts units and create Objectives.
Still chasing someone to add objectives please.......
Cheers Bootie.

I'll send an invite to a Dropbox and the Map next time I'm on my gaming pc.
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