War in Iraq begins

19 March, 2003: War in Iraq begins

On this day in 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. Just after explosions began to rock Baghdad, Iraq's capital, U.S. President George W. Bush announced in a televised address, "At this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger." President Bush and his advisors built much of their case for war on the idea that Iraq, under dictator Saddam Hussein, possessed or was in the process of building weapons of mass destruction.

Hostilities began about 90 minutes after the U.S.-imposed deadline for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq or face war passed. The first targets, which Bush said were "of military importance," were hit with Tomahawk cruise missiles from U.S. fighter-bombers and warships stationed in the Persian Gulf. In response to the attacks, Republic of Iraq radio in Baghdad announced, "the evil ones, the enemies of God, the homeland and humanity, have committed the stupidity of aggression against our homeland and people."

Though Saddam Hussein had declared in early March 2003 that, "it is without doubt that the faithful will be victorious against aggression," he went into hiding soon after the American invasion, speaking to his people only through an occasional audiotape. Coalition forces were able to topple his regime and capture Iraq's major cities in just three weeks, sustaining few casualties. President Bush declared the end of major combat operations on 1 May 2003. Despite the defeat of conventional military forces in Iraq, an insurgency has continued with an intense guerrilla war in the nation in the years since military victory was announced, resulting in thousands of coalition military, insurgent and civilian deaths.

After an intense manhunt, U.S. soldiers found Saddam Hussein hiding in a six-to-eight-foot deep hole, nine miles outside his hometown of Tikrit. He did not resist and was uninjured during the arrest. A soldier at the scene described him as "a man resigned to his fate." Hussein was arrested and began trial for crimes against his people, including mass killings, in October 2005.

In June 2004, the provisional government in place since soon after Saddam's ouster transferred power to the Iraqi Interim Government. In January 2005, the Iraqi people elected a 275-member Iraqi National Assembly. A new constitution for the country was ratified that October. On 6 November 2006, Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging. After an unsuccessful appeal, he was executed on 30 December 2006.

No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.
Quote- No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.

A thermos flask full of biological or chemical stuff would be enough to wipe out the population of London or New York, my guess is that Saddam hid it under his bed but the weapons inspectors forgot to look there
Guys i hate to say this but we were all duped by a country that only cares about cheap oil.
Sadly there are many different views about this, i my self at the time thought it was a good thing, getting rid of Hussein the Tyrant must be a good thing, Then I wonder should we have then packed our bags and got out, I know it would be good to leave the country in a stable position, question is do they want this ? the life they lead is very different to the west, are we imposing our ways on to them
The majority of decent sensible Iraqis have no objection to Coalition presence because we're building new hospitals and infrastructure for them, and they can see we're slowly handing over control to the Iraqi police and military and know we intend leaving as soon as possible.
But they also know that if we do leave, the extremists among Sunni and Shi'ite muslims will start killing each other like crazy, so our presence is a deterrence.
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