Wargaming Clubs

the blitz is a good club, I have been a member sence 2001 and one player I played for almost 10 years!!! He is a doctor now. yous will enjoy the site very much.
There are some dang good player there too. Yes it is a bit outdated but they did a up grade about half a year ago or so.
check it out. Theblitz.org
It is a 6 of one, half dozen of the other for me between theBlitz and here. The good point is that the two sites do not compete and I get something different from each one.
It is a 6 of one, half dozen of the other for me between theBlitz and here. The good point is that the two sites do not compete and I get something different from each one.

I think most of you are aware what happens when clubs compete... a nasty fallout and lost friendships. We are all here to enjoy the games and talk and when things become serious the joy of having a mutual hobby quickly disappears.
There's also warandtactics.com; more a general military history forum based site, but some good posts and sources in amongst the threads there.
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