We have A Birthday Boy

Thanks, guys! So far you're among the first to think of me - most of ym closest friends and even my family haven't bothered yet. Seems like they think I'd start my birthday with sleeping late or something... :biggrin1:

Happy Birthday Earl of Grey, hope you have a great day and enjoy, I won't guess how old you are...LOL...Go on tell us then

You wouldn't believe it anyway! Turned 28 today... :tongue1:
Thanks, guys! So... where are my presents? Nobody? Ah, I knew you just were a bunch of useless basterds! :RpS_flapper: *many hugs back*
I already believed quite a lot of things that turned out to be false or untrue... And I've learned there are far more important things than birthday presents.
...What!?.... the HDTV hasn't arrived yet!!!!??? :grouphug:
Have a great day mate and lets hope those pressies come flooding in at the end of the day.
I'm back from the gaming convention... and I so totally got the most awesome present EVER. I'm also pretty sure I never will get anything else so totally absolutely AWESOME.
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