Welcome from downunder



Hello there,

how are you all my name is Anthony, I am 40+ and been wargaming since I can remember.

I played CMx1 from CM:BO and got all the follow on games (although I dont play them anymore), joined in many tournaments managing to be about average in skill. I play almost every day, except during the Australian Football season when I get a little busy.

I am always up for a medium sized game on elite+, I tend to play more scenario's than QB's but I will still play one if asked. Side does not matter

Currently running CM:BN/CW patched up to v2.01, Dropbox and H2H Helper

Anthony (StoneAge, same as battleront UN)
Hello Anthony, welcome to THE FEW GOOD MEN!

Good to have you with us! ;)

Joining this community was the right decision because Combat Mission is at it's best when played against other humans
- but in our download section you will also find a lot of new scenarios to play against the AI.

Please also have a look at our campaigns (tournament section) - some are based on quick battles, others on scenarios.
There is plenty of stuff to check out and a lot of good people and reliable players to meet! :)
fixed the email not showing.

Gunner its more like Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mate

Nelson1812 Yep heading into winter here, good news is it does not snow in about 95% of Australia
Hello Stone Welcome to the Club Good to have you with us mate plenty going on here, Here are some Links to the site just here to help you Mate

The Few Good Men are welcoming you!....

You will find a lot of interesting people here, who are sharing your hobby and we are proud of being far more than just a plattform for finding multiplayer opponents.

We recommend you read the following threads to get an impression of what our club is about and what it might be for you as well:







If you have any questions or need some help with the site, please feel free to contact our official welcome committee members Hedgehog and/or Shorker. We will be happy to assist you. Just click on the names in the members list or underneath the avatar picture and then on "Start A Conversation" or reply
My good Lord another Aussie...I guess we have room for another lax lounge about. ;) Love you guys and your entering your winter LOL we are just seeing our spring and summer . Welcome here and stick around, get to know a few of these block heads.
Hello to another fellow Aussie - don't worry ignore this lot they're just jealous they don't understand the finer points of the best sport in the world. ;)

(But if you are a Collingwood supporter I'm throwing you to the wolves. :D West Coast!)
No need for the Wolves! As I am a Kanga's supporter (two points, we are just not having any luck this year. Too many games lost by a kick, so far!)

Now that should confuse most of the board

Hope to get some time soon to start some games footy season is my worst time of year for spare time.
G'day mate.
I'm in Vic. But lived in all the big smokes and some less.

I'll crack a tinny for ya. lol

I;m already starting my strategy . As a 'aussie yokel' .:).
SO in game when my tanks appear in his rear areas.. [ooomph]
there will be much cursing and gnashing of teeth.
'G'day mate' i'll say.
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