Welcome to the club Bidermann

hello one and all , I am back! Still playing games no CM as my graphics card has buggered up all of these up
My vids cards nearly the same as yours- NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ and it works fine with all games.
If you've got Vista maybe that's what's buggering up CM, I use Win XP Home
Well Bootie as for games I play the HPS panzer campaigns ,and the modern ones as well.
Welcome here sir..glad to meet you, the off spring of the battler of renown Hedgehog.
Yes I have Vista as well so perhaps that is the problem,CMBO I can play but the other two no chance
Battlefront have patches to fix the Vista issue, it costs a few pounds for each patch, but it fixes the graphics issues. I'm playing CMAK and CMBB with the patches, with Vista and Geforce 8800 GT.
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