What about the movie "Jarheads"?


Bert Blitzkrieg

I saw this one recently and I managed to stay and watch it till the end, but I totally disliked it. If this movie is a correct depiction of the way the US Marine snipers behave and are deployed it is a miracle there are not more casualties on the Iraq side. Almost all were trigger happy morons aching to shoot and kill some Iraqi's.

I would imagine that looking through the scope of your rifle with the only thing between life and death for the person you are looking at is more pressure on the trigger of your rifle, the responsability of the decision to shoot weighs upon you. And I would imagine the recruits are screened before getting this training to be not trigger happy morons, but to be above average intelligent and level headed men. It seemed total lack of conscience was the virtue upon which they were picked !

Also a very strange use of such specialists in that war. Is that historically correct ?

Or maybe it is just Hollywood trying to make an anti war movie ?
I read the book, or I should say I read half the book and abandoned it halfway because the guy sounded too much like some kind of nancy-boy with psycho problems, totally messed up and wacko, a completely boring sloppy disorganised character, the book should have been called Bonehead.
I watched about half the film too, then switched it off for the same reason.
Give me the John Wayne/ Jack Hawkins type of manly hero anytime, not angst-ridden wimpy fairies..:)
I can understand the frustration and the urge to do that what you've been training for. That might of course come over as trigger happy.

None the less, its been awhile since i've seen the film but what i remeber was that i thought it was ok. I've not been in the gulf war, and certainly not with the US marines. I think it probably gives a real idea of what it's like.... 95% boredom and 1% action.

Belive me, in every army you've got morons.And shure these a lot of 'hollywood' bull in the film. But lads, when bored with nothing to do for a months are going to get themselves into trouble and do stupid things. And that is a fact.
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