What are these ship models for?



A small scale terrain board of Battleship Row and Pearl Harbor for the Jappanese forces to study before the raid.
Lord Bane
Correct. The Japanes pilots used that to memorize the layout of the entire harbor area - an absolute must for any combat pilot.
Yes, it's a Jap model for planning the Pearl Harbor attack
Gee..its a model for the Japanese that eventually allowed them to total revamp their industrial capacity and turn around their per captia income to one of the top ten in the world. Oh yeah and they lost a war and a couple of million people....but hey...thats the price for economic superiority!
Incidentally I wonder how they got the information to build the model, maybe there were Jap spies in Pearl Harbor before the war, or maybe a high-altitude Jap photo-recce plane took some pictures unnoticed..
I think the Japanese had a few spies infiltrate the base - every Asian looks the same, you know? If you don't know thw people VERY well, you're just not able to distinguish a Korean from a Chinese or a Japanese or vice versa...
Think it was a bit of both Bootie, or should that be a bit of boat :)
Odd, the guy on the left looks like he's wearing your standard Japanese military cap, the guy on the right seems to have on a kamikaze headband and the fellow in the middle is wearing a bowler hat.
Odd, the guy on the left looks like he's wearing your standard Japanese military cap, the guy on the right seems to have on a kamikaze headband and the fellow in the middle is wearing a bowler hat.

Aha, we've identified one of them!-
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