What is your heritage?



What is your families back ground...are you a pure blood or a mongrel?

What if any noteable people are you related to?
I myself an a mongrel, as I would think a lot of people on this side of the pond.

I have French, German from the Lorraine area I believe on my mothers father side
I have french and Blackfoot Indian on my mother' s mother side.

I have Scotch, Irish form my dad's mothers side.
I have English, Belgian for my dad's father side

I was all excited finding out that there could of been a pirate in the heritage until I found out they were in genreal gay, but he must of been one of the bi types...because I am here.;)
I am from old noble family and I have original papers form 16th century with all names of my predecessors My name is unique so I am sure that wherever I found name Kazlowski it must be my cousins (for example Steven Kalowski famous arctic photographer - lefteyepro.com).
This heritage was not good for communists times so my family lost everything during revolution in Russia and then after the war - only name survived all property were nationalised.
Among my predecessors were Hungarians, Russians, Ukrainians, French (general form Napoleon army)
Uncle of my grandmother was commander of Polish Air forces in 20ties and in 30 ties he committed suicide in airplane because of love affair.
Another cousin of her was murdered in Katyn by Russians

I was born and bred in the English midlands city of Leicester (pronounced Lester), King Lear's old home town (Lear-cester), and our family go back generations in the area, our surname (Godwin) pre-dates 1066, an Earl Godwin had a son who later became King Harold of Battle of Hastings fame.
Over its long and often violent history, Leicester has been occupied in turn by Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age tribes, the Roman 8th Legion 'Augusta', the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans, so there may be some of them in my mongrel DNA including Lear's jesters blood, I'm certainly fool enough..:)
"The true fool knows that the only insanity is to regard the world as rational" - Guide to Lear
My families name Greer comes from the McGregors of Scotland.


Royal is my blood!

Clan Gregor carries the Gaelic motto 'S'rioghal mo dhream', meaning 'Royal is my blood'. The motto predates the Clan's claim to Royal descent by centuries, but serves to highlight the sense of outrage long felt by most MacGregors at the centuries of repression endured by their forebears.

The claim that the 'Gregor' who was the Clan namefather was either the son or the brother of Kenneth MacAlpin, the first paramount King of Scotland, is unproven. He was probably the second Chief of the clan, succeeding his father, 'One-eyed' Iain as late as 1390.

The homelands of the MacGregors were the three glens of the rivers Strae, Orchy, and Lochy, now the heartland of the Campbells.It was the expansion of the powerful Campbells which led to the MacGregors becoming landless outlaws. The most unscrupulous branch of the Campbells, by 1519 calling themselves by the old MacGregor title 'of Glenorchy', appointed as Chief of Clan MacGregor a younger chieftain who had been forced to marry a Campbell heiress whom he had ravished.

The true heirs to the leadership of the Grigorach were driven to continuing their struggle as guerrillas in the mountains of Argyll and Perthshire, earning the nickname 'Children of the Mist'. Their Chief was captured in 1552 and personally beheaded by Black Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy, the brother of the ravished heiress.
Fifty years later, the MacGregor's policy of taking bloody revenge for each instance of persecution led to a 400-strong force of Colquhouns (Campbell allies) being sent, on the orders of King James VI, to wipe out 'the haill tribe, root and branch'. The MacGregors and their allies ambushed the advancing Colquhouns in Glen Fruin, slaughtering over a hundred of them.

The King issued a special order outlawing the Clan MacGregor and forbidding anyone, on pain of death, to bear the MacGregor name. The Chief, Alexander MacGregor of Glenstrae, was hanged with many of his followers in Edinburgh. The Clan were thus proscribed and persecuted until 1774, when the Act against the clan, its people, and their name was repealed. As a result, many people today, who are of MacGregor stock. use the names adopted during the two centuries when the clan name was forbidden.

The most famous character in the clan's history is probably 'Rob Roy', who for much of his life called himself Robert Campbell (his mother's surname). Despite an adventurous life, Rob Roy lived to die in his bed at 70.


The Greer family name is a derivative of MacGregor and my forebears fled Scotland to become quiet farming folk in Ireland.

The family farm was only given up in the 1930's. Before that it had passed from father to son and would have one day been mine. I hate farming and have hayfever so good job that we gave it up. :)


Be Mindful
I actually know nearly about nothing about my ancestors. The parents of my grandparents is the farthest I can get because incidentally most of them never knew their parents due tio a variety of reasons. That notwithstanding no one from my family has ever been rich (most of the time even poor in tehr eal sense of the word), famous or otherwise notable. I'm the most average guy in that regard, I guess. All I am and all I have I had to achieve myself.
French on my father's side. My great grandfather came to the US from a small town in the French-Compte department of France. I have been researching that side of my heritage pretty extensively for a few years now. The town he came from has only a couple hundred residents and local records show that a large number of them still have the surname Jasmin. My brother is travelling to France in a couple months and plans to visit the area to do more research and see if he can connect with some living relatives.

My mother's family is english and that's about all I know of it. I do know that one of my aunts did an extensive history of our ancestry on that side but I haven't seen it.
We've traced our family back about 200 years.

All Welsh Pedigree.
On my mother's side, my family rarely seems to have left Sussex, England. My great grandfather was a hell raiser and finally told he had won a free trip to either Australia or Canada, one way only. He chose Canada.
On my Dad's side, I am a relocated German Mennonite from Southern Russia.
I'm a highlander.
My grand grand fathers were fighting in Krajina force. They werent paying any taxes, and had other benefits to AustroHungarian empire (they were Serbs) etc. Their main purpose was to halt Turks from entering western Europe. My others were fighting in todays Montenegro against Turks (Serbs again).
All in all, we were slaugthering Turks most of the time :):)

I think my original heritage is from Kosovo (i'm talking about 12 century)...There are 2 orthodox monasteries and one place called as my last name. Me and my father searched for anything usefull, but most of documents were destroyed during
the wars...
Pure blood. Ukrainian. My last name means: "frost" in english.


A cousin of my father did do some research about the history of our family name. He traced it back to around the year 1600, although the spelling of the name was slightly different then. Our surname is very rare in the Netherlands (or anywhere else !) and if one has got the name he is almost bound to be family.
Perhaps we are from viking descent (the name "moen" is not that rare in Norway) and French huguenot is also a possibility: the French name Haumont changed to Hamoen.
But perhaps we're Dutch to the core !
Mongrel, through and through. A true American! :thumb:

Let's see, now. My paternal grandfather's family is primarily German, Braun, changed to Brown when they got to the US. Along the way Irish (Madigan) and a smidgen of English were mixed in, all Catholic, suprisingly. My Paternal grandmother was mostly French, Buret, with a touch of English and German, real outlyers.

On my maternal grandfather's side, it was mostly Norwegian, Jacobson, changed to Jacobs when they came to the US, with some Irish and English thrown in. My maternal grandmother's side was ALL Irish, O'Brien, with some Doyle, and some others.

The Doyle's came to the US in 1848, mother and son, from a small parish in south east Dublin. Don't know what happened to dad. Anyway, Denis Doyle served during the American Civil War. He was in an (primarily) Irish regiment in the Garibaldi Brigade, out of New York City. His unit was involved in a few battles, but we haven't confirmed his participation in any.

From Denis on my mother's side, through to me, only Denis and my father served in the military, before me.

Through our research, the only thing of note in our family history was one of my mother's great uncles or cousins. He was a purported member of the Westies, an Irish gang out of Hell's Kitchen in New York City. He was gunned down by the NYC police in a shootout, sometime just before or during early prohibition.
My great-uncle Alf (my grandmas brother,below) copped it in WW1 many years before I was born



Below- my grandad Bill in his Royal Flying Corps/ RAF uniform in WW1, he was a mechanic and survived the war but was killed in a drunken brawl around 1930, the other bloke pulled a manslaughter rap.

I was born in Linz, Austria (quite close to where old Adolf was born) -- my parents emigrated to South Africa in 1968 when i was 2 years old and I grew up here -- my younger brother was born here.
On my mothers side the family were all peasants/farmers in the Muehlviertel district between Linz and Vienna -- pretty much the same for my dad's family, although I think they might have been of Czech origin and germanified their name.
Of my two grandfathers -- one on my father's side got wounded in Russia, somewhere in Stalingrad area and passed away in 1976. (never found out more as his family cut ties with us after my dad in a car accident in '92.)
The one on my mom's side was a card carrying Nazi, but unfit for military service (he was bastard who beat up and terrorised my mom and her two sisters, but thankfully died when she was 10 years old) -- when he married my grandmother it was his second marriage as his first wife had died in a US bombing attack -- same for my grandmother, as her first husband also died in a bombing raid - (a gruesome detail told to me at some point was that all they found was his head)
Greek 100%,great grand father fought at WWI and later at Greek-Turkish war 1919-1922 ,grand father was an officer fought as second Lt in WWII against the Italians and wounded by a mortar round the exact day that Thessaloniki(my hometown) was captured by Germans(April 1941).
Later took part in the resistance against the Bulgarians-Italians-Germans(was member of one resistance group that was formed by former Greek officers loyal to the llegal Greek goverment and the King).
Later in Greek civil war communists burned my grandfathers parents house to the ground as soon as they ve found a picture of his in officers uniform and hanged from a tree in the house yard his 7 years old brother.
From my fathers family side origin is from minor Asia, from where they were expelled from the Turks together with milion others after the defeat in Greek-Turkish war.
3 Generations of soldiers so far in my family
Father's side -
Father born in Canada on a small island called Ramea (Atlantic side), his mother was a french Canadian with her links going back to France somewhere, not sure past her though. Dad's father was from France and was in the Military and when he got dads mom pregnant was shipped off again to Europe. lol. I think the Dominey name is an Anglo French name from what my mom knows.


The DOMINEY name has a few derivatives in spelling, but i get this.


Mothers Side-

Mother born in Australia, something we have forgiven her for. lol. her parents were German, My OPA (German for Grandfather) was a missionary in Papua New Guinea and was interned for the duration of WW2 in Australia. Came from central Germany and like Ratzki were originally from Russia - Somewhere in Central Russia near the Urals to be exact.
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