When do you play CM?



So when do you play your turns? I get up 30 minutes before I really need to in order to get any turns out that may be waiting for attention. Sadly, every once in awhile it is empty. So then I have to sit and watch the political news which is more frustrating than playing the game using Russians. And if I can, I squeeze turns in intermittingly during the day or when the wife is watching her shows. She claims it is an additiction.
And if I can, I squeeze turns in intermittingly during the day or when the wife is watching her shows. She claims it is an additiction.

What is ? She watching her shows ?

I play in the evening. Very rarely, when I know I've just a movie turn with no plotting to do, I return it in the morning.
My wife asked me last week if I'm addicted. Don't think I am. I like the game a lot, but there is also a sense of duty about returning your turns (for me anyway). After all when starting a PBEM game you have a commitment to the other player(s). S, I try to fulfill that and not play to many games at a time.
I haven't played a CM game for about 5 months, too knackered, must be getting old (sniffle)

As a stay at home Dad, I get my turns in all day long...my wife is always asking if I am still playing the same game after 2+ years of emails..:lie:
Normally all my turns are played at night, while the kids are in bed and the wife is either watching TV or in bed too.

But right now I am on 2 months leave and am playing all day between doing jobs.
Normally all my turns are played at night, while the kids are in bed and the wife is either watching TV or in bed too.

But right now I am on 2 months leave and am playing all day between doing jobs.

I spoke to you a few days ago and you mentioned that leave of yours, and I am curious is that your holiday period, if that is pretty good mate
I spoke to you a few days ago and you mentioned that leave of yours, and I am curious is that your holiday period, if that is pretty good mate

Its is accumulated leave, I get about 40 days a year, but am on a specialist squad, a NZ version of SWAT and accumulate even more as I am always on call. So not a normal holiday period just chose it at this time. I am hoping for a overseas deployment in March of next year and need to get my leave down to be in with a chance of selection.

So just hoping to get some good games in with this time off.
I try to get in a couple turns when I am at home and my wife has gone for her daily walk. Other then that I will sneak a turn in here and there when she is not looking. I do get an hour or so after everyone goes to bed. My wife says that I am addicted as well, she even suggested some councelling, I went and I think that I may have converted the shrink. I don't have the guts to tell the Mrs. this, she'll have a jam'er.
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