When Playing CM What Would You Rather to Play

What is your Preference to play

  • Meeting Engagements

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Attack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Defence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I am by far a QB player in Meeting Engagements....It is argued that all MEs boil down to an attack defend anyway.
Ive gone for scenarios, nothing beats a really well designed scenario.

Allows you to try out forces/tactics that you'll never get to use in QBs
I went for editor. It is just like scenarios, except you have the control. Even, your own customized maps, using the QB generator.
I play a lot of quick battles but I enjoy a well designed scenario most of all.
Scenarios, I hate picking forces, would rather let the AI do it or the scenario creator.
Scenarios for me, by far the most fun I've had in Combat Mission is with a well-designed scenario with an opponent of roughly equal ability. But even if you aren't of equal ability, a scenario can be a great equaliser to still make for a great game with the more experienced/skilled player taking the inferior forces.
Got'a say Scenario's for me are the thing, with a meeting engagement's, serious I enjoy most thing's related to CM, my pet dislike is desert warfare, to bland and un interesting

I agree, Desert Warfare is my least favorite aspect of CM. I hated the featureless landscape of the desert when I was in the military and gaming depictions of it don't appeal to me either.
I don't understand the poll. Why are QB's not in it?
Another club ran a poll a while back and most people preferred playing QB's as I do myself.

We ought to do a poll that asks the simple question- "Which do you prefer playing"-
1- Scenarios?
2- QB's?
Scenarios generally give me a chance to play with some stuff I would never otherwise even see.

This is seconded. I also like fighting a battle that was historically lost, as it gives me an excuse when I inevitably do lose it. :D
I voted for map editor, cause I like doing maps in "Mapping mission"
I wished with these type of polls there was a position or choice where one could choose more than one, hard choice really

There is that option but by doing that one opens a whole new can of fish. I wanted people to thnk hard on what they really like...giving only one choice and allowing comments to expand, arrives at what is looking for. I was hoping all would understand that QBs are covered by MEs, ATTacks, and Defence.
I am surprised at the amount of people who like scenarios. Some feel they are weak in their purchasing ability, other want realizism. I feel it is more real to have the chance to pick tropps etc of a time period and then win a battle with them. Being handed a scenario that gives you situations which maybe real but your going to lose because you are given crap or a poor position to fight from. These were caused by the poor generals / commanders of the time.
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