When women were Women, Good Old Days


The Good Old Days
Quote- "a small moan from yourself is encouraging to him to indicate any enjoyment you may have had"

I wish my ex-girlfriend June had read that, she just lay there without moving or making a sound, it was like shagging a bleddy corpse

:tsk:I dream of those days now Hedgehog...why do you torture us with such info:loco:
So now before I sleep:sleep: I :pray2: each night for a return when men were men and sheep were double breasted.:yo:
Quote- "a small moan from yourself is encouraging to him to indicate any enjoyment you may have had"

I wish my ex-girlfriend June had read that, she just lay there without moving or making a sound, it was like shagging a bleddy corpse

My first wife was a bit like that POS, I felt she was doing me a favour....SAD>>>SAD
See what happens when you give them the vote, things change, just kidding. :)
Actually I saw that before, an ex-girlfriend showed it to me in a email. She couldn't comprehend it.
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