Where is this? Answer - Mars



Where is this sunrise photo taken?

Re: Where is this?

Bravo, Rico.
This one is taken by Pathfinder :)

Looks indistinguishable from any nondescript strip of Nevada desert...

But it's 100 million KM's away, beamed to us from the incomparably complex electronics array of Man's most explicit expression of pure creative Will...

Mars is there, and so we must go there.


One wonders if the expense justifies the return, if prize outweighs cost...
What's a Martian soil sample worth?
What benefit be there in precise analysis of Martian atmosphere?
What PRACTICAL gain doth Pathfinder gift humanity at large?

Blast... didn't intend to be such a bloody buzzkill... I started musing out loud and now look, I've shat all over it...
That's how it is sometimes... One who writes finds himself drawn through unknown literary landscapes, led to horizons undreamed of till journey's end...

Thanks for posting zaraza, it's a very interesting photograph, and has certainly got my noodle pondering...

P.S. I hear "Thus Spake Zarathustra" now, rising in crescendo like the gleaming Monolith from Pre-human sands... What else have they found up there I wonder??...
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