Which glue ?


Bert Blitzkrieg

Years and years ago, when I was still a boy, I used to make a lot of models.

Now I have a young son (7 years), we're starting to make models. Of course it are the simple kits and I am usually the one who puts it together.

As glue I use Revell Contacta Professional (http://www.revell.nl/accessoires-verf/lijm/contacta-professional-mini.html), but I find that the long thin tube gets clogged and either have to throw it away or stop using the long tube.

What do you guys use ?
Thanks for your reply. The pin is there but despite it, the tube/spout still clogs. I have used a longer pin too, in th hope to prevent the clogging, but to no avail.
There's two solutions: either use glue that comes with a brush or (the way I do it) take a lighter and heat the tube while applying pressure to the glue bottle. Apply pressure until you actually see liquid glue burn with a long flame (looks a little bit like a miniature welder) - then the tube is free again. You'll have to repeat that process once the tube becomes clogged again. What helps - but doesn't prevent clogging completely - is sealing the tube immediately after you have glued something, even if it's just for 30 seconds. The longer the tube is open, the higher the risk the glue will dry.
The applicator tube on the Contacta cement is very long and it's obvious that it would be prone to clogging.

I use either Testor cement for polystyrene......


or Plastruct Plastic Weld liquid cement with the brush applicator in the cap.


When using the Testors cement, I put a small amount on a piece of scrap paper and then use a toothpick to apply what I need to the model. You are shooting for the least amount of cement that will hold the joint securely and I find it much easier to control the amount I use by applying it with a toothpick vs straight from the tube. Either way, the second I am done withe the cement tube I replace the cap and I NEVER have clogging issues.

If I find an application that calls for a long thin line of cement I use these glue tips...


Just slide one on the open tube of glue. Makes it much easier to apply a nice, neat, thin line of glue when you need to. Again, as soon as I finish applying the cement, I remove the tip and seal the tube.
I'm using this:

Model Master liquid glue

and this:
Any kind of super glue....
I have the Revell Contacta stuff and it's good glue; like it. Have only had it clog once...the thing to do is to just lightly put the cap back on fairly much straight after you use it.

If it gets really clogged, I suspect a bath in a pool of lacquer thinner would dissolve the cement reasonably quickly.

Earl of Grey's mini flamethrower sounds more fun tho :)
I'm using this:

Model Master liquid glue

and this:
Any kind of super glue....

I will use superglue from time to time but I think you need to be cautious with it. If you use too much it tends to melt and distort polystyrene.
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