Who as seen a Ghost

Yes I can say that I have, when I was working one evening
heading back to my depot, I went through the village of
Tingewick which is in the county of Buckinghamshire standing
on the kerb side was this figure dressed in clothes from way
back in history he looked small until I realized he had no head just
the old ruffle on his shoulder's, this was about 10 o/clock in the evening
dark, and and my headlights on the artic i was driving caught him.

Telling the guys in the drivers mess room , John one of the drivers told
me that his mother lived in the village and was seen often.

I can tell you it made my hair on the back of my head stand on end
I never believed in these tails before this incident but for sure they
are there
I have been involved in a couple of house exorcisms and i tell you it is real, believe it or not. I have not seen a spirit yet but have felt changes in temperatures in a room that make your hair almost stand on end. the one house that was exorcised the people living there have no doubt at all. They bore marks of attacks on their bodies and many sleepless nights.
I have seen something from the otherside as well, to many stories for it to be something else. Who knows what causes this, perhaps in years ahead science will prove something?
I hate to admit this, but I had a run in with the spirit of st louis (st.louis being a small town nearby where I live). The legend was that a train in the early 1900's went off the tracks due to a blizzard, and the conductor died along the rails as he tried to walk for help. You can sometimes see his lantern along the old road where the rail line was, but was taken out. I was with a bunch of guys beerdrinking and ghost hunting. I was not drinking as I was driving. The guys were ahead of me on foot and I was following in the car, and all of a sudden we saw something ahead of us, and the guys began running for it, leaving me behind. The car then suddenly began to move backwards. It was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced. I got out and found that the car had not moved, although it had felt I was actually rolling back slowly as if pushed.

Not a real " I have seen a spirit" incident, but interesting nonetheless.

I havent seen anything but a few years ago now I got totally freaked out. The wife was on a business trip to London and left to my own devices I fired up the DVD player in the lounge and settled down for a night of munchies glued to Band of Brothers. Anyway I had watched something like three episodes and turned out the lights and went to bed.

I woke up at 3 in the morning with the fire alarms all going of. I fair near crapped myself as I sprang out of bed and bounded across the hall... I threw open the sitting room door and the room was full of the thickest blackest lung clenching smoke.... my eyes started to water real bad. Through my blurry waterlogged eyes I seen that every candle in the lounge was burning real bright... 4 or 5 in total and the waxy smoke had set of the fire alarms.

Now... I never light the candles as the smell usually gives me a headache after a while and the missus had been away for 2 days so God only knows why they were lit and burning furiously at 3am. So, what did I do?

I blew them out.. opened the windows for a bit... crawled back to bed and hid under the covers until the morning... LOL
bootie, perhaps you had a junk food high, accompanied by bad gas, and lit the candles to clear the air so to speak... but never realized you did, because you were so hosed on Munchos. I've done some real wierd things after a junk food binge: jumped off a cliff into a bush thinking it would break my fall like a big fluffy green marshmallow, or tried to slide across the hood of a volkswagon, duke brothers style, and ended up denting the car with my arse... actually, come to think of it, I was probably drinking as well, so nevermind.


I've never seen a ghost but I had a 'False Arrival' experience years ago which was pretty kool, here's the full story which i've posted around the net in various supernatural forums-

One Saturday afternoon in the 1970's when i was in my 20's i was home alone while the rest of the family were out shopping in town, and i spent the time up in my room building a plastic model ship.
Around teatime i heard voices in the street outside that sounded like the family returning, then i heard our front gate unlatch, then i heard the key go in the front door, then heard their voices and footsteps come into the hallway.
Then there was dead silence.
I went downstairs to greet them but there was nobody there, i looked in the living room, kitchen, even the garden and garden shed, but nothing, they were nowhere to be seen.
I assumed they must have gone out to do a bit more shopping up the road , and i went back up to carry on with my ship.
After about an hour they came back and i asked my mother if they'd arrived earlier and gone back out again, but she said no, and hadn't a clue what i was talking about.
So i just put the earlier arrival down to a trick of the mind or a "waking dream" or whatever, and felt fascinated and privileged to have experienced it.
A few years later i happened to learn from a paranormal book that the phenomenon is fairly common, and is called "False Arrival", where somebody hears one or more friends or family members come into the house, followed by silence.

But the F.A. that led me to develop a theory on the subject was one featured in a TV docu about people who've had odd experiences.
The manager of a small engineering firm said he was working late on his own one night doing the accounts in the old control tower on a disused airfield where his firm was renting some hangars , when he heard footsteps plodding up the stone stairs and stop outside his door.
After a short silence he impatiently called out "Well come on in then!", but nobody did. He went and opened the door but there was nobody there.

Okay here's my theory - we're all born with a "psychic shield" or "force field" or "buffer" around our brains to protect it from - dare i say it - demons and other assorted supernatural phenomena.
But if we're engaged in doing something that requires a lot of mental concentration, like me building that fiddly model ship, and the manager concentrating on his accounts, our "shield" is weakened because we're draining power from it to concentrate on tasks that require a heavy mental workload.
Hence, both of us experienced false arrivals or "visitations" by - who knows? Perhaps a whole troop of demons impersonated my family, i just don't know...
Oh, and here's something else - we hear of students killing themselves after prolonged heavy swotting for exams, so maybe they were concentrating so hard on their studies that mental power was drained from their shield and all sorts of nasties got into their heads...
Maybe thats why the Sabbath is meant as a rest day for us to relax and re-charge our shields?
And maybe prayer is another way to re-charge, by logging onto God and getting a power download?

I also heard of one FA that happened to two people in the street, they left their house with a friend, but halfway down the street the friend realised he'd forgotten something, so he ran back to the house to get it, and his two friends strolled slowly on. Soon they heard his footsteps running up behind them but when they turned round he wasn't there. Shortly after, he came running up for real.
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