Who's this in his garden?



Photographed in 1976, aged 61, who is he?

Not Manstein.
Clue- here are some of the garden guys awards:-

Sudetenland Medal (1938)
Prague Castle Bar (1938)
Anschluss Medal (1938)
Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze (1940)
Iron Cross Second Class (1940)
Iron Cross First Class (1940)
SS-Honour Ring
Eastern Front Medal (1942)
Close Combat Clasp in Bronze (1943)
Close Combat Clasp in Silver (1943)
Tank Destruction Badge (1943)
Knight's Cross (1943)
German Cross in Gold (1943)
Oak Leaves (1944)
Swords (1945)
Ah. Very helpful clues.

It's Joachim Peiper.

And according to Wiki, he was killed in the same year this picture was taken, after his house was attacked with molotov c@cktails.

Strange, looking into the glassy eyes of this dead man...
What tragedies have they been witness to?
What sorrow have they seen?
Monster, or simply man?


Reminds me of Klaus Kinski in Aguirre...
The same vapid stare,
that longing, glassy gaze...

Eyes eternally empty of life...
A silent plea for release from the horror of present circumstance...


What hideous business, War...
Where beasts are born from men...


Heh... Sorry for my fiendishly self-indulgent rambling,
but that second image of Peiper held hidden dimensions of intensity that I felt obliged to explore,
if only for my own literary curiosity...

Curious that the forum "naughty word" detector censored the word "c@cktails" from my post...
Maybe that's what I was doing here, simple "stroking" my own ego... Interesting...
Yes it's Peiper (below), I'll post the full story in the Reading Room..

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