Why variable endings?



Noobs often say-"I hate variable endings, why can't games be set to finish on a definite turn instead of having a variable ending which means both players don't know when the final turn is going to be?"

So I thought I'd put the question in this thread and see what members say, then it can be moved to the Tactics Section for future reference..:)
Main reason for me is it stops uber gamey last minute flag rushes. Well doesn't stop them but can make the person who tries it pay dearly for it.
If you can't stop an attempted "flag rush" you need to play better.
Actually, I rarely see a flag rush at the end of a battle.
By the time we get to the end turn the battle, for the most part, has already (mostly) been decided and both sides are usually pretty much fought out.
To continue moving that one AFV or a couple of shot up squads for useless, multiple turns thereafter is frustrating and time consuming.
Just my opinion.
When mTk and I play, we usually shoot each other up so badly early in the battle, that neither one of us is in any condition to mount a last turn flag rush. However, big picture, I agree with Jonny. There is nothing more disheartening than out scoring your opponent for the majority of the game, just to see it all disappear on the last half of a turn. "If only my gunner had hit that "75% chance to hit, Kill good" shot." If that shot hits, you win. If that shot misses, you end up in a draw or even worse lose. Because there is no next turn, a reckless tactic is rewarded.

With that said, I don't really care that much, and gladly play either way.

Just my two bits.
Well MTK that is true, but you can neutralise a flag with fixed endings with a force that would be wiped away the next turn.
I rarely play a game that doesn't have a variable ending. I like the uncertainty of it.
Lord Bane
I think the variable endings should be set to 5 turns either side of the stated length. So if a game is 20 turns variable, it could end on turn 15 or turn 25, or anywhere in between. That would make life interesting.
I, too, like the variable ending for the mystery of it. Have yet to have one go less than the listed turns. Consistently 7+ turns for me. Have actually come to count on them. When I am defending i like the fixed turns.
Variable endings only ever extend a game. The logic is if a flag is contested in the last couple of turns then extra turns can be played, they can go to 25% of the original game length up to a maximum of 10 turns.
Variable endings only ever extend a game. The logic is if a flag is contested in the last couple of turns then extra turns can be played, they can go to 25% of the original game length up to a maximum of 10 turns.
Actually I have had games end early by a turn or two. The AAR Screen then says that both sides agreed to a Ceasefire, even though neither player selected it.
Lord Bane
Actually I have had games end early by a turn or two. The AAR Screen then says that both sides agreed to a Ceasefire, even though neither player selected it.
Lord Bane

It's the "low ammo ceasefire" when most of your man have low ammo, ceasefire is activated by itself
The computer will also sometimes step in and stop the fight like a boxing referee if one sides morale has dropped very low because of heavy losses, forcing its auto-surrender.
I prefer variable endings too. They can be maddening, but I think they are more realistic than a set ending.
This is a test example of a 'flag rush' in a FIXED-ending game.

1- Let's assume this is turn 18 or 19 of a 20-turn fixed-end game.
The Russians are in firm control of the flag..

2- and the Germans are on the other side of a patch of open ground over which it'd be suicide to try crossing to get nearer the flag..
(noob note- the flag appears neutral to the Germans even though the Russians control it. That's why we can never trust the computer regarding flag control during the game, it only tells the truth when the game is over)

3- So the Germans lay down smoke from artillery or on-map mortars and tanks on turn 18 and/or 19 (his timing must be spot on, bearing in mind most smoke only stays on the map for a turn or two) to cover them as they advance on turn 20; the Russians can't fire at them because they can't see them.
The German plotted his moves to stop short of the Russians because the Russians are too strong to melee with.

4- and bingo! at the end of the game the flag has turned neutral like the Germans wanted, depriving the Russians of 300 points.

NOTE- The Germans made their move on the final 20th turn, knowing the game was going to end this turn.
But if it'd been a 20-turn VARIABLE-ending game, the Germans wouldn't have known when it was going to end, (it might have gone on for another 5 turns), so if they'd made their flag rush in a variable-ending game, they might have found themselves sitting totally exposed out in the open when the smoke clears, to be pulverised by the Russians.
That's why fixed endings are unrealistic and the majority of CM players don't like them.
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