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Willie Mays #24 GOAT (R.I.P.)

I got to watch Willie play for about 9 years. It was around 1970 and I was at Candlestick Park. I watched him make what for him, was a routine catch and throw
back to the infield. At that point, I realized that sooner than later Willie wasn't going to be patrolling CF for the Giants much longer. It was going to end. And I
felt honored to have been able to watch him play.
Today I feel that way again. I miss him.
Anyway, for those of you who may not be familiar with him here is a video of him making "The Catch" that many believe to have been the greatest in MLB history.
The distance he had to run to get under it is hard to believe. MLB fences nowadays are around 405'+ to deep CF. He ran about 30+' further and made it look easy.
I heard him say that, sure the catch was good, but not all that hard (for him). What he was most proud of was the throw back to second base. The runner had
advanced about half way to 3rd on the hit assuming it would fall and he easily score. Stunned that Willie had caught the ball he had to retreat back to 2nd to tag up.
When he got there the throw was on its way and he had no time to advance. Oh, my.
Here's a statue of him, watching the ball sail, at the entrance to Oracle Park.

Oh, here's a stat that's hard to believe. He was an All-Star 22 times. 22!! o_O
And here's the real deal.
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