Winter in Europe



How do you enjoy winter this year ?
We in Poland are used to heavy snow and low temperatures but for Britain, Ireland, Spain Italy it is not so easy I think
I had to help dig a guy's car out of a snow on Weds. He had arrived that day from Poland.

He asked my if the British had heard of Shovels!
It's been freezing in Ireland as well. I don't remember snow staying around for more than three days, been a week now. Was -12 degrees (Celsius) on Thursday night where I live. Never been that cold here in my life time. I don't dare to drive my taxi in case I crash it. Seen so many crashes these last few days.
most of cars in Poland have winter tyres, anti freezing fluid for windows, plastic shovels and other anti frost equipment to drive safely in winter
... whatever happened to global warming!!

Global warming is a farce. An invention by those that wish to destroy Capitalism and the Western way of life by constricting our economies and transferring our wealth to the third world. I don't deny that humanity has probably left a small mark on the weather patterns, but the predicted catastrophy of Al Gore is all hog wash. In fact, I knew it was a fake just by the spokesman for it. Al Gore is a complete joke!! Had he won his HOME state in the 2000 elections, he would have been the president. If you can't win your home state, what does that say about you.

Lord Bane
It was 15 F yesterday in Dallas, Tx. Been a few decades since that happened. May set a record for staying below freezing for so long. US News had a clip from England where a news anchor was criticizing the head of the weather service for his predicting a mild winter this fall, and even more critical of him getting a "Performance bonus" for his work.
Global warming is a farce. An invention by those that wish to destroy Capitalism and the Western way of life by constricting our economies and transferring our wealth to the third world. I don't deny that humanity has probably left a small mark on the weather patterns, but the predicted catastrophy of Al Gore is all hog wash. In fact, I knew it was a fake just by the spokesman for it. Al Gore is a complete joke!! Had he won his HOME state in the 2000 elections, he would have been the president. If you can't win your home state, what does that say about you.

Lord Bane

Is it?
Global warming is a fact.
Real question is it because of people, or because natural Earth periods.
I vote for nature. Don't think human industry is powerful enough to couase something like that.
Is it?
Global warming is a fact.
Real question is it because of people, or because natural Earth periods.
I vote for nature. Don't think human industry is powerful enough to couase something like that.

I agree, Climate Change (a more accurate term than global warming) is indeed ocurring. The reality is that the climate has been changing since the beginning of time. To think that it would remain constant is ludicrous. Are the changes we are experiencing now more severe than at others times? That's impossible to say, the climate has been changing for several billion years and our climatological data goes back a couple hundred years. As far as humans being responsible for it, of course we have some impact on our environment and climate, but I don't believe the profits of doom who say that the internal combustion engine will be the death of human kind. A single volcanic eruption puts more pollutants into the atmosphere than all the automobiles in history combined. Nature is the driver of climate change. It's been that way since the beginning of time and will be that way for the rest of time.
With all the conflicting science around trying to prove or disprove global warming, it's difficult to know what to believe. Everyone has an agenda it appears. There certainly appears to be some worrying patterns developing which if they continue will cause many, many natural disasters.

If we can remove one of the possible effects, which may be having a large impact on the changing climate, I think it would be better to remove it if it can be done. A reduction in CO2 is not going to harm anything. But a continued increase might. And just think if we weren't so reliant on oil... It might solve a few of the world's problems.

Just some thoughts in passing. One cold winter does not buck a warming trend. And while Scotland and other places are unseasonably cold, Greenland had a temperature of 1 or 0 celsius the other day, which as you can imagine is very warm for there.

As for capitalism, well, it creates a system of haves and have-nots, and a bit like one of my favourite films, 'Trading Places', you don't know what it's like on the other side until you've tried it. Granted all systems tend to become corrupted by human nature, but capitalism is a system for the generation of wealth. You must have some social philosophy to underpin it, or everything and everyone becomes a commodity!
most of cars in Poland have winter tyres,

Winter tyres are a MUST, when temperature is below 6-7 C....
Below that, regular tyres became like a plastic....s, not much use of them....winter tyres are made from different ruber, and they have different configuration, so they can grip ice and snow more effectivelly...
Got to say it does make you wonder about global warming
the trouble is us in the UK have had such warm winters for the
last decade and because the seasons are right and we are
getting a WINTER I would say that it is Right.....And of course the longer it stays freezing
I get a extra £25 for my heating just to keep this pensioner
warm, Turn that heat up a bit Love......LOL
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