Witcher 3

I have red all Sapkowski books about wiedzmin (witcher) - great ! funy and interesting I can put it just in the middle of Prattchet and Martin - worth to read if you can find it somwhere in good translation.
I heard that game is kind of masterpice - but no time for gaming...
For good prices it is wort to check out gog.com I think I have bought witcher 1 for 2 Euro (now it is 7 I think) Witcher II is much better then 1st - for adults - a lot of politics,love and good literature.
Wherefor I have to look? Witcher or Wiedzmin? I would like to read it in english if possible. Thanks for the suggestiuon mgk!

GReetings :)

P.S. Would You be so kind please and post some of the for You best book titles of Prattchet, Sapkowski and Martin?!
Thank You very much! I read a few book of Pratchett already. Very good stuff. I think the other two I never read so far. But I hope that will change soon.

Greetings :)
This may well be beyond my modest hack/slash capability, but went ahead and picked up Witcher I for $10. Small price to pay for some trial and error.
All three titles have an easy or 'I'm just here for the story' mode as standard.

I initially didn't pick up the first title until a mate pressured me to play it. Been hooked ever since. The world is truly brutal, both in the novels and the games (which are set after the end of the novel series). The eastern European influence on the design gives it a bit of different feel than the stock standard LOTR clones from many western developers. I think the best part about the narrative is you are forced to make choices and you never really know if it's a right/wrong, good/evil decision until you see the results. There's no indicator saying '+10 Good Side Points' awarded after a conversation. Some are truly face palm and gut wrenching during a blind first play through.

Example from last night when I started playing Witcher 3 - I agreed to to help a dwarven blacksmith look for the arsonist who had burned down his forge. Track the culprit down and it's a drunk human who's accused the dwarf of being in league with an outside occupation military force. The human offers to bribe me to keep quiet but I do the honourable thing and turn him over to the dwarf who has been wronged. Turns out the dwarf is actually in the pocket of the occupiers and real chummy with them. The dwarf calls over the guards and the human is escorted to be hanged - the rest of the village turns on the dwarf for being a bastard/traitor. That's only a small 15 min side quest during the tutorial area.

In Witcher 2 depending on who you chose to become friends with splits the rest of the game off into two distinct paths and locks you out of the other side's quests/content/side of the story.
Just realised last night my imported save was the wrong one or was corrupted. My choices weren't carrying over from Witcher 2. Seriously thinking of ditched 25 hours of game time to start over. For once it's not really bothering me.
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