World Cup: One day to go!

As I understand the sound is deafening in the stadiums because of the vuvuzela's (the trumpet things)

Overhere in the Netherlands people have made their houses orange by hanging cloths and/or plastic from their houses, built small stands in gardens in order to watch the games together with neighbours, wearing stupid orange clothing and items etc. The otherwise very levelheaded Dutch tend to go a little loco when the national team ("Oranje") plays in a tournament.
Going to the Netherlands vs Denmark game on Monday afternoon -- just for the experience -- don't normally like crowds much, but it's not going to come back in my lifetime :)

It is at the middle of the day ! we've gotten e-mails from company's with which we do dealings that they will b closed for the duration of the game !! Afterwards, around 1600 hours local time they resume their business activities !
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