Worst Criminal Shooting in New Zealand 13th November 1990



Today is the day that the worst criminal shooting in New Zealands history.

From Wikipedia:

The Aramoana massacre was a mass murder that occurred on 13 November 1990 in the small seaside township of Aramoana, New Zealand. Resident David Gray, a 33-year-old unemployed man, began indiscriminately shooting people in the township with a scoped semi-automatic rifle, after a verbal dispute with his next-door neighbour. He shot neighbours and a family visiting the township, killing thirteen people, including local police Sergeant Stewart Guthrie, first responder to the reports of a shooting. After a careful house-by-house search the next day, police officers led by the Special Tactics Group located Gray and shot him dead as he came out of a house firing from the hip.

I know it pales in comparison to some other shooting around the world, but for little old new Zealand it rates up there, right up there.
It is by far bigger then the largest shooting incident in the Netherlands. Don't counting the Moluccan terrorist actions in the 1970's, but even thenit is worse (most dead during one of these actions in 1977 was 9).
It is legal and encouraged, almost everyone has a gun. We are a country of farmers and farmers have guns, probably a minimum of 10 each, lol.

You need a licence and there are some pretty good checks, but now the criminals get them through burglaries and other illegal means. So yest lots of them but not like the semi automatics that are so prevalent in the USA.
I am surprised that with so many guns around, no one shot him down.
Lord Bane
We have a lot of these little towns/villages around New Zealand in the back waters of society. They are populated by the people who want to stay out the limelight, are shunned from society and now what we call in NZ "David GRAY" type personalities. He was losing the plot big time and slipped through the cracks. he was buying firearms and there were no checks on him. They knew he was a bit crazy but in the end he ended up shooting adults, kids, old people, tourists. Real sad day.

Its was sort of like a trailer park in the USA, from what i have seen of them anyway.

Aramoana Wiki Link

We hold files on this type of person now, emergency action plans so to speak, for dealing with them when the go off the deep end.

They made a great local film about it, called "out of the Blue".

Here's it trailer.

Go to You Tube and Type in "out of the blue NZ", that should find it for you. :thumb:
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