WWII's First Weapon of Mass Destruction

You know, the more I learn about stalin the more i think the worse dictator won the war, if it wasn't for the holocaust this would more than likely be the case.
You know, the more I learn about stalin the more i think the worse dictator won the war, if it wasn't for the holocaust this would more than likely be the case.

The Holocaust was indeed a stain on history but in sheer numbers of people killed, it pales in comparison to the numbers exterminated by Stalin. His pre-war purges alone killed nearly as many as were lost in the Holocaust. Hitler gets all the noteriety but Stalin was more of a monster.
Very true. Stalin was a monster.

But as I think Margaret Thatcher said about someone totally unrelated, "He's OUR monster"...

I forget the exact figures, but MANY more times as many people died under Stalin than in the Holocaust.
Popular story from the Stalin era.
Stalin had last his tobacco pipe so in one meeting with his head of security services(Beria) tells him about it and expresses his desire to find the thief.
Some days later in another meeting Stalins says to Beria:comrade Beria i ve found the tobaco pipe it had fallen under the sofa.
And Beria replies: comrade Stalin that its impossible, so far 3 people admitted that they stole it.
Very true. Stalin was a monster.

But as I think Margaret Thatcher said about someone totally unrelated, "He's OUR monster"...

I forget the exact figures, but MANY more times as many people died under Stalin than in the Holocaust.

Exactly, the Allies tried to put a kind face on Stalin because they needed Russia to help defeat the Nazis. Truman was very much not enamored of Stalin and distrusted him from their first meeting. If you want an accurate picture of what life was like for many Russians under Stalin, just read a little Solzhenitsyn.
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