You guys good at chess?

Not a good player, but I did enjoy it when I was younger.
I went through a chess phase years ago but was never much good at it because of the heavy mental workload, the winners are the ones who can look ahead and plan their moves long in advance which I could never do because it gave me a headache, you need a brain like a bleddy computer!
I used to play a bit when I was younger, but the game always was to abstract for me - I'm not the guy that calculates everything in advance and has a contingency solution for everything that might happen. I'm more relying on gut feeling and luck. Meaning: I wasn't that bad but not really good either...
I did it regular as I was a boy. I played against my father every weekend. And in the beginning it was frustrating but later it was a fine "head" duel. I miss it. One thing I´ve still to do - to play chess in its origin style as it was played with four players. That was before Alexander made it for two players to teach his officers tactics.

I play every week with a friend of mine, without clocks. I'd say I'm an average player.
In my case never attracted me too .-
I've played as a beginner, only with knowledge of how the pieces move but without any strategy .-

Do not you think internet or video games have gone a little to these types of games?
Hey Louis you asked my advice about posting pictures a couple of days ago, did you get my email and PM?
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