Hello and welcome to The Scenario Depot III (TSDIII) the name may sound familiar to a lot of the older Combat Mission players due to the fact that The Scenario Depot and The Proving Grounds were the go to place for new scenarios and play-testing of beta-stage scenarios in the late-90’s onwards.

Since the release of CMX2 and the falling away of players from the CMX1 series and due to the more advanced skills and time needed to design scenarios the art of making them has sadly become the pursuit of the few.  It is time to address this problem and that what CM gamers require is a new ‘go to’ place for the storage and downloading of scenarios and so The Scenario Depot III has come into existence with the blessing of Gary Krockover the original owner and designer of TSD and TPG.

We are aiming to have a centralised location for all scenarios to be kept where feedback can be placed against individual posts relating to the individual scenario.  This will not be lost in a forum over time and will forever be attached to the download location of the scenario.

We are aware receiving feedback on scenarios is often hard to come by but having this dedicated area we pledge as a wargaming club to rate and provide feedback to the battles we play which is invaluable to designers.  The new Scenario Depot III is hosted as a sub-site of The Few Good Men but no membership to The FGM is required.  Subscribe to the site to get instant updates of new releases and uploads.

Please support the cause and use the Upload A File section to send us your completed scenarios and maps to share with the community.  If you wish to donate to the running costs of The Scenario Depot III and The Proving Grounds II please click on the Patreon donate button on the bottom of the right side menu..

Thanks for reading.



I expect the use of the Scenario Depot III to be relatively straightforward but over time commonly asked questions will be answered in here.

How do I upload a scenario?


Can I upload Campaigns?

If you are wanting to upload a campaign contact greershane@gmail.com and advise of your wishes and provide the file.  Campaigns due to their size are uploaded directly  by FTP as opposed to the onsite upload form.

12 thoughts on “ABOUT TSDIII

  1. When uploading a file I see a selection for QB ready maps – set up zones and objectives marked. You might consider a subset for files that also have AI plans for one player battles. These are popular.



  2. Great to see a scenario depot for CMX2. Just wondering if the approval process for uploads will be more robust than that at the BFC repository?

    1. Thanks for the upload Michael. Its a one man show here and I approve submissions as soon as I can. Slight delay in yours as I was on nightshift. I’m hoping it is more straight forward and easier to navigate than the repository as a minimum.

  3. Hello,

    I’m interested in using the pictures known as “The Royal British Navy puts on a show”, and seems that you have the copy rights of it. Please contact me.

  4. Hello everybody.
    First, thank you for creating the wonderful content here.
    Now, since yesterday evening, can’t download any more scenarios from CMSF and CMSF2?
    Have I exceeded some quota or so?
    Thank you for reply.

  5. I am missing something. I have the new scenario in the Z folder, but it does not show up in the game menu. I did add a campaign, and it shows up in the game menu. So what could I be missing?

    Thanks for the help?

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