[CMRT] Cross of Iron v2 Campaign

CMRT The Cross of Iron

By dragonwynn

One of my first campaigns, The Cross of Iron is a interactive story driven campaign of a German tank company from June 22, 1944 thru June 26. In this campaign you take the role of Hauptman Johan Clauss, Commander of 1.Kompanie, 501 PzAbt during the opening phases of Operation Bagration. The campaign is designed with the latest version of CMRT and it is semi-historical.

As Clauss you will be faced with completing missions you have been given and somehow keep your Kompanie alive. You will at specific times during the campaign be forced to make hard decisions that can change the path of the campaign for better or worse.

It is very important that you read ALL of the briefings and designer notes as these drive the storyline of the campaign. Also Clauss must be kept alive or the campaign will conclude.

The designer notes for the campaign gives a detailed breakdown of the mods used and acknowledges the fine work done by the authors of those mods. In particular I believe that this is the first scenarios/campaign that uses a large part of Umlaut’s outstanding factory mod, which in my opinion added the immersion effect that I wanted for this campaign.

To install unzip the zip file and copy the campaign file(.cam) to your campaign directory in CMRT and copy the folder panzermike (mods) to your data/z folder and you should be good to go.

I truly hope those who give it a try will find it enjoyable. I do feel it will be a difficult campaign to complete but it should be rewarding if you do.

Special note: I recommend when you play this campaign to not have the Berlin mod installed or my previous Finnish mod in your z folder as they may cause some mod conflicts.


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Author: Bootie

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