Operation Tonga East – version 3

Here are two related campaigns, a 15 scenario British (Br) version and a five scenario German (Ge) version. The German version replays five of the ‘Br’ scenarios from the German attacker’s perspectives.

The campaigns include both minor and major events that occurred during the first 24 hours of the British 6th Airborne Operation on D-Day 6 June 1944 in the area between the Orne River and the Bois de Bavent Ridge. Most of the actions covered are those of the 9th, 12th and 13th Parachute Battalions but two minor ones covering the 8th are also included. This series complements my earlier released Operation Coup de Main which covered the 7th Para and the Oxf & Bucks Airlanding elements. The separately included Timeline.pdf shows how the scenarios of the two Operations related to one another in time.

Many, but not all, of the British scenarios are defensive in nature so possibly a little boring? The goal was to tell their story.

Unfortunately no actions of the 1st Canadian Paras are included since on day one these occurred outside the boundaries of my master maps. The area around le Mesnil, i.e. “the brickworks” did not heat up until day two. Sorry fellow Canucks.

It will be necessary to install the included graphics mods in the usual ‘z’ directory. Failure to do so will produce some very weird results instead of Rommel’s asparagus.

Permission is granted for players to unpack, alter the scenarios, share, do anything you want with the files that will grant you the enjoyment thereof. This also holds true for all my previous works. This is my final contribution to CMBN. So, CHEERS and ENJOY!

WHAT’S NEW in Version 3?

  • Campaign names shortened to allow saved files to show their number properly.
  • German campaign only needed to remove two A.I. objective labels
  • Time of day corrected for Merville Battery scenario (British campaign)
  • Nationality corrected for scouts in Skirmish at Herouvillette scenario (British campaign)
  • complete re-write of A.I. plans for Breaking Point scenario (British campaign). I had mistakenly included an incomplete A.I. plan in the original. Should now be an interesting play.

About Author

Author: Kandu

2 thoughts on “Operation Tonga East – version 3

  1. 10 FEBRUARY 2025
    My apologies. When version 3 was first posted it was to have contained a ‘time of day’ corrected file for the Merville battery scenario. Replaying the campaign myself this week, I discovered that wrong file was uploaded again. Today I have uploaded the CORRECTED file. The Merville battery scenario now begins corrects at 0400 hours instead of 1600 hours.

  2. 17 FEBRUARY 2025
    Another scenario fix. The last British scenario “Breakpoint” was a mess due to having included the ‘work in progress’ file instead of the final file. This resulted in an incomplete German AI as well as a wrong scenario graphic. This has now been fixed and play tested.

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