gurkhas in ww2

Very tough men indeed.

When I left school I was living in Aldershot, and still remember one night when I came out of a pub with some mates - there was a Ghurka being picked on by a group of drunken louts - he was 5ft 4, and they were all obviously a lot bigger than him - he politely tried to ignore them but they started pushing and shoving him.
He just wanted to go on his way but they persisted in their actions and one of them punched him on the shoulder ( trying to aim for his head but missed).
At this point, the little fella defended himself and as a result two of the louts were on their arses in no time, and the others backed off.

He only used as much force as was necessary, and then gestured to them to back off before calmly walking away.

Respect to the man.

My football team played a friendly pre season match against the Ghurkas and although we won by one goal ( and that was only because the goalie was not very tall), they were tough opponents and hard as nails when you collided with them.
The most polite and humble people I have ever met.

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