Rock, Paper, Shotgun



Rock Paper Shotgun is a general PC gaming website.

One of my goto daily sites this is a general PC gaming review site, with some wargaming references.

Multiple updates per day,
Wonderful stylish writing,
Great dry sense of humour,
Variety of reviewers and writers.

Huge variety of games reviewed,
More wargaming relevant content than most general sites,
Fun & generally respectful community in the comments sections and forums.
Happy to write about games that are poor and criticise them.
Odd articles about game mechganisms, future of gaming, tech stuff etc.


Some people may find it "politicaly correct" as it will challenge sexism, racism etc in gaming - HOWEVER it is not silly "correctness" it is intelligent discussion (I Love some of these articles - however others may find them grating - they are rare though)

The site is British based with a sense of humour/viewpoint that is dry and occassionaly annoyed (rather than angry). I read most articles here even if they are about games I KNOW I'll never play or have no interest in (eg League of Legends, COD, anything Real Time) because they manage to make most games sound interesting and often funny.
Very nice idea that multiplayer game. Maybe we get allowance to copy that game style. Could be of interest for the remaining CMx1 players as filler/fill-in between turns of own games or some tournament and campaigns.

Four very fun collaborative/participative after action report using CM(CMBO, CMBB, CMAK, and CMFB). I was tempted by a game of CMx1... too bad I am a mac user :shockaroona:

Edit: the typo. My computer persist correcting in French. If I don’t take care, Your going to be overwhelmed by French baguettes, and smelly cheeses :unsure:
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