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The Invincible

I started this up after that rather sudden end to my JA3 game.
I'm finding it more entertaining than I expected. I think I've only ever played a story driven game maybe 2-3 time so yeah,
this is different for me. A LOT different. It took me a while to get used to the fact that I need not worry about getting a shotgun
blast to the face if I carelessly round a corner. Or someone rolling a grenade under my butt if I'm not paying attention. And I'm
liking that.
The narrator is mostly right about stuff in his description below. It is slow, but I was in the mood for slow and not having to deal
with all sorts of things in games I normally play. I'm just wandering around, enjoying the graphics and art while letting the story
unfold around me at its own pace.
I've played worse.
On wishlist, will wait for a discount.
At the moment, it seems a bit expensive for what it is, but I look forward to the chance to "play" it.
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:ROFLMAO: :mad:
Not having the best of luck with games am I?
This game does not have a player save feature. Saves when it feels like it. Not a problem (usually) just a bit annoying.
So booted the game and pressed <continue>. No problem. It loaded into an area I'd been to about 15 minutes before
my last quit, but OK. I'd previously spent more time than I should have last time because the exit from the cave room I'm
in was well hidden. Not another cave tunnel or a ledge to climb/descend but a small vertical crack in an otherwise solid
rock wall. I walked by it previously several times thinking it was too small to get through.
Anyway, this time after I recognized where I was I found the crack and...nothing. It is no longer dynamic and no way for me
to pass through. WTF!?
I'm thinking the game knows I've already been through once before so there's no reason I have to go through again? Whatever
it's thinking it's a game ending bug. I'll do a small amount of research to see if anyone had a similar issue, but I suspect not.
Gives me an excuse to go play Valor & Victory. Oh, and the Pacific Theater DLC just dropped as well. Cool.
Except..about 15 minutes later I ran into another bug. I found a rover, got in, pushed the start button and..nothing.
It's not starting no matter how many times I push the damned button. (sigh)
Have you checked the battery? ;)
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This game is soo...
I let the game rest a bit and then came back yesterday to give it another go. It worked just fine.
Cannot tell if the devs slipped in a new patch or they just continue to work behind the scenes to
fix bugs that, had they done any pre-release play testing, should have easily spotted and crushed
before the game was released. I wonder if they got heat from the publisher to release it when they
If you are not claustrophobic before you start playing this game you will be before you finish it. The
player is constantly being forced to move through dark & tight places with a map that is, well it's crap.
A never ending dungeon crawl that at least doesn't "jump scare" you with ambush attacks. At least not
yet. There have been some such scares that have convinced me that I am not as alone as I might hope.
Despite my bitching I am finding this game holds my attention quite well. Like I mentioned this gene is
waay outside my comfort zone so that alone may have something to do w/my fun level.
Anyway, now that I am moving (ever soo slowly) in my rover I'm off to find the next bug.
Well, let's see. Where was I? Ah, yes.
Once I'd rescued Dr Gorsky I managed to grind my way through the underground metal City. Whew.
This put me on the trail of the Alliance. In brief they are a competing interest in my space neighborhood. I was preparing to blame them
for the odd stuff that happened to my team, including the two? deaths, but am having 2nd thoughts. We (me and the astrogator) thought
they'd arrive about two weeks after we did, but it turns out the apparently landed about a week before in the...Invincible. The ship is larger
than some space stations and docs suggest it is still at its original landing site. I haven't actually seen it.
When they got here they wandered around a bit, including going to where I found Dr Gorsky. Hmm. Thereafter they did some major
excavation and set up a large camp. I cautiously approached the camp and...nothing. No sounds, no people, no robots..nothing. I discovered
some docs that showed their travel paths and where they'd been. Lastly I found a record of where, at least some of them, took of in a convoy
to explore? They aren't known for friendly, but I felt I had to absolutely find them and find out if they knew about my crew, or anything else for
that matter. I'm on the outskirts of their last probable location. Where the Hell is everybody? :unsure:
Just FYI I am beginning to have troubling thoughts about our astrogator, and team boss. He's in our ship in orbit and providing me support and
intel assist. On occasion he also says things that make me wonder how he knows stuff, particularly about the Alliance. Did he work for them at
one time. I'm beginning not to trust him. He may well have his own agenda. Swell.