The South Ossetia War 2008

The 2008 South Ossetia War, also known as the Russia–Georgia War, was an armed conflict between Georgia on one side, and Russia together with Ossetians and Abkhazians on the other. It occurred in August 2008, and involved land, air and sea warfare.


The 1991–1992 South Ossetia War between Georgians and Ossetians had left most of South Ossetia under control of an internationally-unrecognised regional government backed by Russia. Some Georgian inhabited parts remained under the control of Georgia. This mirrored the situation in Abkhazia. Already increasing tensions escalated during the summer months of 2008.

During the night from 7–8 August 2008, Georgia launched a large-scale military attack in South Ossetia. The following day Russia deployed combat troops in South Ossetia and launched bombing raids farther into Georgia.

Russian naval forces blocked Georgia's coast and landed ground forces and paratroopers on the Georgian coast. On 9 August Russian and Abkhazian forces opened a second front by attacking the Kodori Gorge, held by Georgia, and entered western parts of Georgia's interior. After five days of heavy fighting, the Georgian forces were ejected from South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russian troops entered Georgia proper, occupying the cities of Poti and Gori among others.

After mediation by the French presidency of the European Union, the parties reached a preliminary ceasefire agreement on 12 August, signed by Georgia on 15 August in Tbilisi and by Russia on 16 August in Moscow. On 12 August, President Medvedev had already ordered a halt to Russian military operations in Georgia,but fighting did not stop immediately.

After the signing of the ceasefire Russia pulled most of its troops out of Georgia proper. However, "buffer zones" were established around Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Russia created check points in Georgia's interior (Poti, Senaki, Perevi).

On 26 August 2008 Russia recognised the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Following international agreements, Russia completed its withdrawal from Georgia on 8 October.

As of 2009 Russian troops remain stationed in Abkhazia and South Ossetia (including in areas under Georgian control before the war) under bilateral agreements with the regional governments.

Georgia considers Abkhazia and South Ossetia "Russian-occupied territories".

A number of incidents have occurred in both conflict zones since the war ended, and tensions between the belligerents remain high.
be interested in knowing what all those bricks are that are on the tanks???:confused:
Those "bricks" are a type of reactive armoour to counter anti-tank rounds. Read shaped charge.
Otherwise knwon as 'ERA' - Explosive Reactive Armour

Heres a link i googled which should explain it

Regards Breaklight
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