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The question would be, who pushes the launch button first, Putin or Trump?

Would you really vote for a guy who could not make money with a casino?

And Shane, I really feel you need to suspend the no politics discussion rule and let Numbers post on US politics. It would be hilarious...
The question would be, who pushes the launch button first, Putin or Trump?

Would you really vote for a guy who could not make money with a casino?

And Shane, I really feel you need to suspend the no politics discussion rule and let Numbers post on US politics. It would be hilarious...

If that was the case I would be pushing the button... LOL
Guys, You should not be so harsh on Drumpf, He indeed already have made america great again. Even in France we are now following the G.O.P race and waiting for the Super Tuesday results...

That said, and more seriously, can you explain why US citizen are more interested by Australia than Canada? I am sure I am missing something its like woman and bugs...


(1) Canada is cold and wet. Australia is warm and dry.
(2) Canadians say "eh" and "sorry". Australians say "G'day Mate" and "Shrimp on the barbie".
(3) U.S. citizens sometimes forget Canada is even up there (except during the Vietnam war).
(4) Australia produced men like Steve Irwin and Paul Hogan. Canada has men like........uh........sorry can't think of one.


JUST JOKING!!!! We love our kooky Canadian neighbors. I think Australia just gets romanticized here in the U.S.
(2) Australians say "G'day Mate" and "Shrimp on the barbie".

We never say Shrimp on the barbie. They're called 'Prawns.' Actually it's quite rare we put seafood on barbie.

(4) Australia produced men like Steve Irwin and Paul Hogan. Canada has men like........uh........sorry can't think of one.

Steve Irwin was more popular in the US than here in Australia. He was just known here locally as a bit of an idiot, but he brought in the tourist dollars and had a brand he marketed overseas. Paul Hogan is a bit different because he was a successful local comedian with his own TV show before hitting the movies.

Half of Hollywood appears to be Canadian these days passing off as US born characters. :p

I think Australia just gets romanticized here in the U.S.

A few tips:
- No Australian drinks 'Fosters' Beer. It's rats piss. Overall beer consumption per capita is actually declining in Australia for more than a decade. Those that drink beer a more likely to drink imported brands rather than locally made ones.
- Out official Government statistics agency actually keeps formal records on alcohol and consumption.
- It is bloody hot in summer.
- Like most of the modern world we use the metric system.
- Out political system is a mix of both the British Westminster system and the American Congressional system, however it leans far more heavily towards the older Westminster system. We have our political idiots like any country but given the system in place it's virtually impossible for any single one of them take so much power ala a "Trump as President" type of situation. Here as a lawmaker they would only get one vote out of a whole chamber of fellow MP's.
- We have political donations to parties however virtually every donation (anything above I think $50), needs to be declared to the Electoral Commission. The level of dollars spent on a political campaign is far less than the USA.
- Our election campaigns only run for around 6 weeks. Their's a pattern of voter backlash in the polls against any party wanting to run an election campaign for longer than that.
- Our elections, though possible, will never be in September to coincide with the finals season for the football codes. (AFL and Rugby). It's well known by all it would be virtual political suicide to call it on a finals game day.
- Russel Crowe was born in New Zealand. Except when he wins an Oscar, then he was born in Australia... for about the next 3 months.
- Mel Gibson was born in the USA but grew up and studied acting here.
- Kangaroo's depending on the breed can actually grow well above 6 foot and can kill you by gashing you with claws. They're really fury Velociraptors that can take a motor vehicle if a collision occurs at high speed. (The roo will probably be dead as well).


- It's a slow work day.
- Like most of the modern world we use the metric system.

You mean your part of the Commonwealth, royal subject of the Queen AND using metric system...

I guess a whole part of my adulthood certainties just fall appart.
Guys, You should not be so harsh on Drumpf, He indeed already have made america great again. Even in France we are now following the G.O.P race and waiting for the Super Tuesday results...

That said, and more seriously, can you explain why US citizen are more interested by Australia than Canada? I am sure I am missing something its like woman and bugs...

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We are fascinated with the fact that they were a penal colony at one time and then rose up to be a nation of cool bloks who say "Criekky!" British outcasts kind of like Americans. We total gave the monarchy the finger and they kind of did also.

Just kidding.... I know they only say "Criekky" as a secret handshake kind of thing for Americans.

Funny story. I worked for a company that had sales guys all over the world and we had one Australian. We would all go out drinking and make him say stupid Americanized Australian statements. Such as "criekky", "Shrimp on the barby", G'day Mate!" and so forth. By the 4-5th beer we all were "speaking" Australian. He hated us with a passion but in a loving way....
Well, I voted today, and it wasn't for Trump. In case anyone is interested, it was for Ben Carson. Sadly, I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the republican nomination. IMO, **any** of the republican nominees still on the ballot would be better than Trump. Though it pains me greatly to say it, I would probably vote for Hillary over Trump....or even Bernie over Trump. That's right, I would vote for an avowed socialist over Trump. At least I know where Bernie stands. Trump......who knows? Trump just stands for Trump, IMO.
Well just to demonstrate how speaking foreign language can be misleading for a Non-native English Speaker:

I just understood that "slipping a shrimp on the barbie" has nothing to do with sexually implicit quotes involving a quasi-impotent man and a blond girl
That's funny!!!