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We are ready to begin ROUND 4 :2charge:

... and it looks like the Kings of ENGLAND and FRANCE are in a pretty advantageous situation right now with the recapture of AQUITAINE for the former and the conquest of FLANDERS for the latter.

For this turn, England has ONE initiative point, France has TWO.

Burgundy and Toulouse remain on the defensive with NO initiative points.

@Jolly Olly and @HOA_KSOP -- attack orders please.

FOG II medieval TURN 4a.jpg

@Mad Mike @HOA_KSOP @mTk @Jolly Olly @Alpha Zwo
@olaf @Badger73
Ok, orders are in -- it's all-out war in the northern provinces.

King of France faction attack NORMANDY and CHAMPAGNE.

King of England faction attack ANJOU.

FOG II medieval TURN 4b.jpg


1. NORMANDY: FRANCE - @Badger73 - (French 1155 - 1319) vs ENGLAND - @HOA_KSOP - (English 1155-1271)

2. CHAMPAGNE: FRANCE - @Jolly Olly - (French 1155 - 1319) vs BURGUNDY - @Mad Mike - (German (Northwest) 1200 - 1319)

3. ANJOU: ENGLAND - @olaf - (English 1155-1271) vs FRANCE - @Jolly Olly - (French 1155 - 1319) (I am assuming this is the battle @olaf posted about earlier?)

Please assign battle commanders and attackers set up the challenges.

We in Toulouse shall sit by the fire for a bit and watch the mayhem unfold up north.
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@HOA_KSOP - match created; French 1155 - 1319 vs English 1155-1271.
Look for "Random Map Battle; Open Battle, North European Agricultural"
created by "Badger73"
timestamp = 27 April 2021 19:10
password = HailFGM
Good luck to us!
@HOA_KSOP - It looks like I'm your huckleberry. As the attacker, I will set something up later today and advise you here when ready.
French 1155 - 1319 vs English 1155-1271
Sounds like a plan Badger73
@HOA_KSOP - match created; French 1155 - 1319 vs English 1155-1271.
Look for "Random Map Battle; Open Battle, North European Agricultural"
created by "Badger73"
timestamp = 27 April 2021 19:10
password = HailFGM
Good luck to us!
Okay Sir Huckleberry, I have accepted your challenge only because the Black Prince can not be in two places at once. Hopefully you picked bocage for the map type, seeing as how I’m on the defensive...lOl
The dispatch riders from Baron de Blaireauville to the throne room in Paris are pleased to report that Normandy is won for France. Grâce à Dieu! :2charge:
Well done good sir! Well done!
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