Looking to Have Fun in a 2v2 Game (experienced players)

I got the dropbox setup, but I haven't seen a game file yet. Have you sent it @Kandu?
Hello Probus and Artkin: Artkin and I have exchanged initial password files. I need to consult with my partner about dividing up our force and areas of operation but he was feeling unwell yesterday so there will be a few days delay before I can send Mike my file and then Mike to Probus. I will keep you posted.
Too nervous about the coming battle and to see his pixel troops getting shredded, perhaps?
I am meeting with my gaming buddy tomorrow (Friday) afternoon to discuss allocation of forces and strategy. That same evening I will make my deployment and first moves and forward to him. Expect Mike to forward to Probus over the weekend.
Greetings Probus and Artkin: I have made my deployment and forwarded my move to Mike who expects to send his move on to Probus this weekend. Just a reminder to our two 'German' players, please note the compulsory special German off-map artillery rules that are at the top of the German mission.txt.

This is the first time that Mike and I have played 2 vs 2 CMBN and it looks to be a lot of fun and confusion. Given that the game starts around 0430 hrs, by it should gradually become brighter.

Good luck and happy gaming.
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Will this one be on youtube in a few months?
That's a great idea and I have been wanting to make videos of my numerous scenarios but ... I don't know what software to use to (1) capture and (2) more importantly - edit to make a movie. I asked two other player/producers how to not too long ago and received no helpful answers. So if someone can get me started, I would be glad to 'try' to oblige.
Mike and I shared a dropbox and the game is in there in the root directory. I guess I just missed it and went straight to the axis and allies subdirectories. I will check it out and get moving on it. Sorry about that.
Mike and I shared a dropbox and the game is in there in the root directory. I guess I just missed it and went straight to the axis and allies subdirectories. I will check it out and get moving on it. Sorry about that.
No worries. I also copied the file to Artkin today. So going forward, let's use your team's method in future of just exchanging each team's 'completed' move through Artkin and my shared dropboxes. Is that okay?
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