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FOG: Medieval - Pot Luck Battles - Mad Mike vs Rico

@Mad Mike and I have been playing a series of casual FOG: Medieval Pot Luck battles and have decided to keep track of them on this simple, fun "campaign"map.

The first Army selected in the Pot Luck determines the location of the battle.
If it's a region we've played for before, we'll fight over it again.

I've dropped our last 4 results on to the map -- so far honours are pretty even.
(we're not playing Mirror Battles, so some of the selection might be a bit skewed, but so far it's been working out pretty okay)

Current battle has me playing the Anglo-Saxons (1066) playing vs @Mad Mike 's Germans (SE) (1050 - 1154).

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Battle ends in a crushing German victory ... the Anglo-Saxon Huscarls wilted in the face of the German cavalry.
Looks like we changed history -- turns out it was the Germans not the Normans who conquered England in 1066 ... Herman the Conqueror, not William. :ROFLMAO:

New Pot Luck battle serves up a civil war in Ireland: Irish (1320-1500) vs Irish (1320-1500)

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@Mad Mike won the desert battle to capture NORTH AFRICA from me -- given @Mad Mike a 4 -2 lead in Provinces controlled.

Our next Pot Luck battle takes us to NORTH ITALY: Venetian (1320 - 1399) vs German (Imperial) (1320 - 1374)
(we take turns in setting up the pot luck battles.)

I have the Venetians, who are on balance more heavily armoured troops, but are mostly mercenaries, which makes their reliability a bit dicey.

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A quick catch up covering the period of the great FGM Crash of 2024.

I managed to win the battle with my Nubian army ... we moved on to NW Germany for Scots (Continental) vs German Feudal -- @Mad Mike bossed this one as the Scots with his
dismounted men at arms and longbow men dominating the brawl.

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We moved up to Scandinavia with me playing Danes and @Mad Mike the Teutonic Order -- the Danes prevailing in this one, the fancy over-priced Teutonic Order knights disappointing.

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Which resulted in us bouncing down back to refight for control of North Italy.... it's my hapless Milanese mercenaries against @Mad Mike 's Swiss pike formations ... it's not pretty.

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Against all expectations, my Milanese mercenaries managed to prevail against @Mad Mike 's Swiss pike formations ... still not sure how I managed that. :oops:

That means control of NORTH ITALY now falls under control of the RED Empire. :cool:

We move right along to HUNGARY & SERBIA -- where it's Rus (1470-1500) (me) vs Hungarians (1441-1500) (@Mad Mike )

Should be a fun battle.

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